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Saturday, March 10, 2012

I am Mrs.Mona Saeedi

I am Mrs.Mona Saeedi, a Muslim woman.I have picked your email address for an inheritance. Please contact me on my private email for more details:


Anonymous said...

I really want to answer the email however I do not know if it is real or not, ya know? If this is true, my heart and sincere prayers goes out to this woman, and that she finds an organization that will do as she wishes.

Anonymous said...

If it smelt like a fish it is.

Anonymous said...

i just got this email myself today. so its a fraud.

Anonymous said...

I got the same email and I don't believe!!! It's a fraude

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: "I really want to answer the email however I do not know if it is real or not, ya know? If this is true, my heart and sincere prayers goes out to this woman, and that she finds an organization that will do as she wishes."

Oy vey. You are the reason spammers keep sending out these types of messages.

Anonymous said...

Spam.. I just got this MSG too.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

i had got the email to and i reply to it and they reply back until like a week ago so i dont know if its a scam or not but i have got so many scam in the past 3wks it wouldnt be a suprise to me

Anonymous said...

Get a grip.If it sounds to good to be true it generally is. I got the same email. You have to do your home work. There are so many scammers out there. If you fall for it, you really have no one to blame but yourself.

Anonymous said...

Mrs Saeedi, is probably a man, smoking on some big ol' cigar, in some seedy sweatshop somewhere in the world the law can't touch him, let alone find him...or he could be in your own neighborhood.
If someone wants "to give" you money, make sure it's someone you know, or you could pay dearly for something you would never receive.

Anonymous said...

guyyyyyyyyyyyys...that's a scam, the next upcoming email from her or the one after it, she'll say she has to pay like10.000$ or whatever to get her inheritance and she'll ask you to provide her with money via your bank account if you want to be a partner and share the inheritance with her..that scam happened with my husband 2 years ago, but she asked for 1000$ and she disappeared. I found an email like that old one again in my husband's gmail inbox and i reorted it as a a muslim woman and will not leave any one trying to deceive people using "am muslim" word
have a good day

Anonymous said...

i replied asking her to give me 2000$ first hehehehe

Anonymous said...

I have got three from this person whoever it is keep sending it to my gmail account that for fb and twitter smh they need to go out and get a job or something and leave people

Anonymous said...

i just get email from her? does she email you oftenly? and which email adress do you see?

asmaa dunia said...
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Z said...

its a good Joke that you played. But still I trust them if they send me a little from the deposited money.

Anonymous said...

why she don't donate to the orphanage red cross or any organization
she sent me the same mail
she pretend she has cancer to control the sensation

Anonymous said...

This is only a name .
I dont think she excest at all
A name to atract muslim men to goin that site .

Anonymous said...

There is some kind of fraud behind this story.
There is controversy between the first & last paragraphs of her email.
Probably she is hypo-manic. This form of confabulation could be presented by a hypo-manic.
It is highly unlikely to be an authenticated story from a mentally sound person!!!
Anonymous said.


Unknown said...

she said to me that her late husband's family sold all her husband's wealth, it's so freakin strange for me

Unknown said...

she said to me that her late husband's family sold all her husband's wealth, it's so freakin strange for me

Anonymous said...

she just emailed me , and i replay... :( is hard to know if it's scam or what? any way if it is i hope Allah sees what this woman does ,she mentioned allah on letter
look ...
Good day, My Beloved Friend,
As I said early, I am Mrs. Mona Saeedi, married to Late Engr Mr. Nasser Safadi Saeedi {PhD} who worked with MULTINATIONAL OIL COMPANY EXXON AS A DRILLING RIG SUPPLIER in UAE (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company) for 17 years he died on 31st July 2001 on a plane crash with other passengers, We were married for twenty four years without a child. Before his death, he deposited the sum of {7.100,000.00 million US Dollar} with a bank In Asia and this fund is presently with the bank awaiting my disbursement as beneficiary and next of kin to the funds.

Anonymous said...

here is the rest of the letter.
Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next one year due to cancer Problem. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a Charity organization or good person that will use this fund to build an orphanage home which was the dream of my late husband.l took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money. I kept this deposit secret till date; this is why I am taking this decision. I don't think I will need any telephone communication in this regard because of the confidentiality of this transfer. Upon your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank. I will also issue a letter of authorization to the bank that will prove you the present beneficiary of this money.I am very grateful to you for the interest shown in my plight and I want to assure you that you will be greatly rewarded for what you have chosen to do. Although we are knowing each other for the first time but I believe Allah has directed me to you as I prayed and searched over the internet for assistance because I saw your profile on Microsoft EMAIL owners list and picked you. Be assured you stand no risk as this is my money, I and my late husband labored for it and me as the next of kin has the sole power to donate the funds to whoever I want. I am a religion women and take delight only in the things of Allah and I have prayed a lot on this already and I believe so much in the manifestation of Allah that I know he will not fail me and I want you to know that you have to be strong in your faith as he {God} will surely strengthen you. My husband’s relatives will misuse this fund because they have sold my entire late husband’s wealth and property left behind. they have sold virtually all we have in Australia, Malaysia and United Kingdom, As I am here in the hospital they are around me they wait to hear that I am dead so that they lay their hands on my last belongings here on earth, But that does not bother me because things of the earth are canal, I do not want them to know about this deposit that is why I am communicating with you only on email and I am making communication with the finance firm also who understands my predicament.All I need is your absolute trust, commitment, confidentiality and honesty because I want to see my late husband’s vision fulfilled before I leave this sinful world. My spirit directed me to you as I prayed and searched over the internet for someone to help me since I can no longer trust my family members and friends and I do not want this particular deposit to be used for things of the world. I will want you to get back to me that you will be absolutely honest about this transaction and you will use this money to the Glory of Allah. Also you have to assure me you will keep this transaction confidential and you will be willing to contact the finance firm which is located in Asia and finalize all necessary formalities as to the release of the fund to you.I will also want to know a little more about you regarding your life, your spiritual life what you do for a living so as for me to know you well. I require your urgent response, if you are trustworthy and willing to help me finalize this transactions that i will immediately write my chamber to prepare a court injunction/power of attorney making you beneficiary to my fund ,some copy of other documents are with the finance firm as I sent it to them for safe keeping so my family members will not lay their hands on it. To prepare this document I will require your full names and full address. With this document you will contact the finance firm to arrange the transfer of the fund to you. As soon as you have received the fund then you will help me set up charity or distribute it to charity organizations andhospitals. I pray to be alive when you receive this fund and start this project so that you can visit me here if you wish to.I will be very happy if you can stand and fulfil this work of God wish you have been called to do.
Mrs.Mona Saeedi.

Anonymous said...

i gave her my full name and address
:( , i guess she use me cuz i am Allah bealiver! :(

can she do something bad with my info?? :(

Unknown said...

Yes she can don't be a fool spam her!

Unknown said...

Yes she can don't be a fool spam her!

virtualcloudz said...

I have shared my contact details but not right one :-)

I had interesting conversation with her, updated here. Have fun.

Anonymous said...

I got the same thing it's a spam!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Muslims these days....

koki said...

I'm with her, I believe her because she is Muslim

koki said...
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koki said...
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