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Thursday, September 05, 2013

Evaluating Blade Servers for Your IT Infrastructure

Blades require fewer networking components and power cables. Learn More>>


Infrastructure Alert

Evaluating Blade Servers for Your IT Infrastructure

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When rack-mounted servers first appeared on the scene in the 1990s, they offered considerable advantages over the behemoth boxes they replaced. Their small, standardized footprint went a long way toward making data centers easier to manage. In the ensuing decades, form factor size and compute power have had an inverse relationship.

Their universal standardization earned them the nickname "pizza box" servers, and it was a key driver of the scale-out computing model popular in the early 2000s. Populating a rack of eight servers and either clustering them or implementing failover from one to the other was far easier than previously possible.

Additional Resources

Applying an Economic Model to IT Management: Operations Management in the Virtual Data Center.

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