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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

CoastZone: Vaccination Controversies - Nature People

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March 18, 2015   Coast Insider Audio
Vaccination Controversies:

In the first half of Tuesday's show, constitutional lawyer specializing in food and drug law, Jonathan Emord , addressed issues relating to vaccines, and personal rights and freedoms. He noted that the US govt. funds a national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to the amount of three billion dollars, which is designed as an alternative to court claims against damages from vaccines (including the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine which has gotten a lot of attention lately). The government concedes there are risks associated with injectable substances and the reactions people may have to them.

Jurist Oliver Wendelle Holmes Jr. decided that compulsory vaccination was constitutional under the 14th amendment. But, Emord pointed out that this is actually a deviation from constitutional rights. While acknowledging that some vaccines are helpful, Emord believes that people should not be compelled to be vaccinated by the power of the state, particularly when it's well-known that serious, adverse reactions can occur. Instead of pushing mandatory vaccines upon children, the government and medical establishment should be devoting their resources to eliminating the safety risks associated with them, he advised.
Nature Spirits:

In the latter half, psychic medium Chrisitan von Lahr discussed his work establishing direct communications with the Nature People, and the reality of leprechauns, and gnomes, and how to connect with these beings. Leprechauns are nature spirits who exist both in the physical and astral realms, and can steer people's attention to matters that will help them get back to what's important in their lives, he explained. Living around 2,000 years, leprechauns have actually known us over multiple lifetimes, and have a wider view of our existence, he continued.

Leprechauns are telepathic and can make people's unselfish wishes come true, which is how they came to be associated with luck, von Lahr detailed. To attract or tap into nature spirits, he suggested putting colored lights on a tree (green and gold for leprechauns, red and green for gnomes), as specific vibrations match their energies. Nature spirits can also be drawn to certain types of food and drink, such as beer and candy, but they experience them on an etheric level, which has different properties than what we perceive, von Lahr revealed. He also spoke on the topic of soul mates, and gave readings for callers during the last hour.
Blast from the Past:

This week our two free audio clips are from eight years ago-- March 2007, when writer Duncan Lunan recounted his translation of mysterious space echoes that were first reported in the 1920's. According to his analysis done in 1972, the signals came from a probe between the Earth and the Moon, which originated in the Epsilon Boottis star system, and Dr. Stephen LaBerge enumerated some benefits/applications of lucid dreaming, including life rehearsal, tapping into creativity, and overcoming nightmares and fears.

Today in Strangeness:

On March 18, 1877, Edgar Cayce was born. Known as the "sleeping prophet," he was considered the most documented psychic of the 20th century, giving readings to thousands of seekers while in a trance state. The last Grand Master of the Knights of Templar, Jacques de Molay, was burned at the stake on this date in 1314.

Tonight's Show, Wednesday, March 18th:

First Half: Civil engineer for over years, Joseph A. Olson , worked with Dr. Tim Ball and other scientists on an important science text debunking the greenhouse gas theory. Olson says the climate change debate is three-sided and only two sides are being heard. Followed by former national security investigator for the US Government, John DeSouza, a researcher and experiencer of paranormal and spiritual phenomena. He'll talk about various examples of divine and paranormal intervention in law enforcement situations, as well as extraordinary stories from civilians.
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