Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The people want Joe!

The People Want Joe!

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Every day we are energized by the waves of new supporters signing up to volunteer, or purchasing our promotional items to proudly display their call for Vice President Joe Biden to run for President. 
But yesterday was something special. 
The response we received from our email was overwhelming, as so many Americans want to find a way to get a message to Joe: We are with you. And we are ready to run with you.
In order to keep pace with the rapid growth of our organization, our budget has expanded dramatically. To help meet that budget, we have increased our goal to raise an extra $5,000 online by June 30.
Equally important to June 30th is the quarterly FEC finance reporting deadline. If we want to send a message to the Vice President, there is no better way than to finish this quarter with a strong fundraising push. This is the last report we will file before Joe Biden decides whether or not to run for President. Let's make our support clear by adding as many names as possible to the petition and this finance report!

Also be sure to share the
Draft Biden petition encouraging the VP to enter the race -  now nearing 100,000 signatures - with everyone you know. Share on Facebook and Twitter.
Will Pierce
Executive Director
Copyright © 2015 Draft Biden 2016, All rights reserved.
Paid for by Draft Biden 2016. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Draft Biden 2016
9 West Washington Street
Chicago, IL 60602

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