Wednesday, July 27, 2005

[NEWS] XBL Implementation Allows Script Execution (Gecko)

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XBL Implementation Allows Script Execution (Gecko)


" <> XBL is a markup language
for describing bindings that can be attached to elements in other
documents. Bindings can be attached to elements using either cascading
stylesheets [CSS] or the document object model [DOM]. The element that the
binding is attached to, called the bound element, acquires the new
behavior specified by the binding."

Lack of permission validation in Gecko based browsers and email clients
allows XBL content to be executed, allowing attackers to cause a cross
site scripting attack even if Javascript has been disabled.


Vulnerable Systems:
* Mozilla Suite and Email client version 1.7.8 and prior
* Mozilla Firefox version 1.0.4 and prior
* Mozilla Thunderbird version 1.0.4
* Netscape Browser version 8.0.2 and prior
* K-Meleon browser version 0.9 and prior

Immune Systems:
* Mozilla Suite and Email client version 1.7.9
* Mozilla Firefox version 1.0.5
* Mozilla Thunderbird version 1.0.5

Scripts in XBL controls from web content continued to execute even when
Javascript was disabled. By itself this causes no harm, but it could be
combined with most script-based exploits to attack people running
vulnerable versions who thought disabling Javascript would protect them.

In the Thunderbird and Mozilla Suite mail clients Javascript is disabled
by default for protection against denial-of-service attacks and worms;
this vulnerability could be used to bypass that protection.

Proof of Concept:
<p>If the remote XBL is loaded, a red box appears below.</p>
<p style="-moz-binding:url(test-ex.xml#x);"></p>

<binding id="x">
<xul:vbox style="border: 2px solid rgb(255, 0, 0);">
<xul:label value="This is the remote XBL content."/>
<xul:label value="Left-click or Right-click or Middle-click on me."/>
<property name="localName">
// it needs chrome privilege to get |Components.stack|
var code = "alert('Exploit!\\n\\n' + Components.stack);'p';";
var s = new String("P");
s.toLowerCase = new Script(code);
return s;

CVE Information:


The information has been provided by <>
Juha-Matti Laurio .
The original article can be found at:
Bug reports ca be found at:


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