Friday, August 26, 2005

New Messenger worm works in multiple languages

All the week's news and views about Security, 08/26/05
This newsletter is sponsored by Ciena
NetworkWorld Special Report - The Adaptive WAN: The factors
driving WAN evolution

A combination of business and technology trends are changing the
demands on the enterprise WAN. This NetworkWorld Special Report
explores some of the key business and technology trends that are
driving and enabling the evolution of the enterprise WAN and how
the enterprise WAN can become adaptive to support these trends.

Wireless security tools perform security analysis in sensors
scattered throughout a wireless LAN or in a central server, but
both options have drawbacks. A blended approach to wireless
security lets sensors and servers share the job of analysis.
Find out how split-analysis could boost wireless security on
your network. Click here:

Network World's Security News Alert

New Messenger worm works in multiple languages, 08/25/05

Users of Microsoft's MSN Messenger should be aware of a new
"smart" worm that checks the configuration of their Windows
client and sends a message in the appropriate language,
according to security companies Akonix Systems and Symantec.

Windows XP also has plug-and-play vulnerability, 08/24/05

PCs running a certain configuration of Microsoft's Windows XP
operating system have the same security vulnerability exploited
by the Zotob worm that ran riot on Windows 2000 systems last
week , Microsoft said.

Distance detection may help secure Wi-Fi, 08/25/05

Intel is developing a way to locate a Wi-Fi user by timing how
long it takes for packets to travel to and from a wireless
access point, which could prevent users outside a house or
office from accessing a Wi-Fi network indoors.

Intel, Cisco team up on Wi-Fi enhancements, 08/24/05

Intel and Cisco have joined to improve the Wi-Fi experience,
initially by delivering better technology for VoIP and for
enabling users to automatically connect to the best nearby
network, company executives said Tuesday.

Newsletter: Modules raise capacity of Juniper VPN gear, 08/23/05

Juniper has goosed up the horsepower on its top-end VPN servers
to support the busiest data centers.

Newsletter: Security applications for 'smart dust', 08/23/05

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which supported
the development of the Internet in the 1960s, has been providing
research funds for almost 20 years devoted to the development of
microelectromechanical systems. Of special interest in this area
for security specialists is the work of Kristofer S. J. Pister,
professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences at the
University of California at Berkeley and also CEO of Dust, Inc.


The top 5: Today's most-read stories

1. IT staff shortage looming

2. Windows XP also has plug-and-play vulnerability

3. The ROI of VoIP

4. CLECs play a new tune

5. Cisco preparing management play

Today's most-forwarded story:

The ROI of VoIP

To contact:

Senior Editor Ellen Messmer covers security for Network World.
Contact her at <>.
This newsletter is sponsored by Ciena
NetworkWorld Special Report - The Adaptive WAN: The factors
driving WAN evolution

A combination of business and technology trends are changing the
demands on the enterprise WAN. This NetworkWorld Special Report
explores some of the key business and technology trends that are
driving and enabling the evolution of the enterprise WAN and how
the enterprise WAN can become adaptive to support these trends.

Security research center
Latest security news, analysis, newsletters and resource links.


Outsourcing. Automation. Downsizing. The industry has been awash
in unemployed IT pros. But experts are now predicting an IT
staffing crunch is just around the corner, and the implications
for U.S. technology innovation are sobering. What might be
causing the shortage and what might need to be done to prevent
it? Click here:
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