Sunday, August 28, 2005

[NEWS] Cisco IPS Privilege Escalation

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Cisco IPS Privilege Escalation


<> Cisco Intrusion
Prevention Systems (IPS) are a family of network security devices that
provide network based threat prevention services.

A user with OPERATOR or VIEWER access privileges may be able to exploit a
vulnerability in the command line processing (CLI) logic to gain full
administrative control of the IPS device.


Vulnerable Systems:
* Cisco Intrusion Prevention System version 5.0(1) and 5.0(2)

Immune Systems:
* Cisco Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) or IPS version 4.x and prior
* Cisco IPS version 5.0(3)

A user with OPERATOR or VIEWER access privileges may be able to exploit a
vulnerability in the command line processing logic to gain full
administrative control of the IPS device. OPERATOR and VIEWER accounts are
normally non-privileged accounts used for monitoring and troubleshooting
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability grants an attacker full
control of the IPS Device.
With full administrative access, an attacker may use the IPS device to
bypass intrusion detection logic, run arbitrary code or perform a denial
of service attack on the network and/or IPS device.
If the IPS device is used in inline mode, an attacker may cause an
interruption of network service.

Vendor Status:
The vendor has issues a fix at:
<> IPS version 5.0(3)


The information has been provided by <> Cisco
Systems Product Security Incident Response Team.
The original article can be found at:


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