Tuesday, August 30, 2005

[NT] Miscrosoft Registry Editor long string key hiding

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Miscrosoft Registry Editor long string key hiding


<http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/regedit_overview.mspx> Microsoft Registry Editor is an advanced tool for viewing and changing settings in your system registry, which contains information about how your computer runs.

A large key name allow attackers to hide registry keys from users that
uses the Microsoft Registry Editor.


Vulnerable Systems:
* Microsoft Registry Editor Windows 2000
* Microsoft Registry Editor Windows XP
* Microsoft Registry Editor Windows 2003 Server

A design flaw in Microsoft Registry editor that support Unicode allow
attackers to place a long key name (longer then the limited size of 255),
and thus hide the key from Microsoft Registry Editor users.

In order to exploit this issue, create an external .reg file and import it
using regedit.exe:

Proof of Concept:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



The information has been provided by <mailto:aprotas@eeye.com> "Andre


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