Friday, June 29, 2007

3Com to spin out TippingPoint; IPv6 D-Day is coming up fast

Network World

Daily News: AM

Network World Daily News: AM, 06/29/07

3Com to spin out TippingPoint
3Com is spinning out its intrusion-prevention subsidiary.

IPv6 D-Day is coming up fast
IP addresses under IPv4 will be gone by 2011, expert warns, meaning ISPs and enterprise networks have to upgrade to IPv6 soon.

Extreme claims clean bill on options review
Extreme Networks this week said it has completed its review of its stock-option grant practices and submitted filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that had been delayed by that review.

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Experts say 75% of security threats come from inside your organization. Watch the latest Network World Editorial Perspectives Webcast today, "Security From the Inside," and learn which technologies and processes best protect your intellectual property and assets inside the perimeter.

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EMC exec targets open source plan for sustainable innovation
Storage kingpin EMC hatches open source-oriented R&D plan.

Cisco WAN gear preserves Nanometrics' VoIP quality
Cisco’s Wide-Area Application Services modules integrated into Cisco Integrated Services Routers preserve QoS for Cisco customer Nanometrics' delay-sensitive VoIP traffic.

Jobs: iPhone supply may not meet demand
The number of iPhones manufactured by Apple Inc. may not be enough to meet customer demand when the smart phone goes on sale later Friday, CEO Steve Jobs said in an interview published the same day.

Visto to offer Exchange, Notes e-mail on iPhone
Push e-mail provider Visto Corp. says it will be able to send enterprise e-mail to iPhones starting later this year.

Multivendor identity systems can work together, demo shows
User-centric identity may focus on consumers, but corporate users are finding that CardSpace, OpenID and other technologies could solve federation issues and attack privacy, access, management and other concerns.

State charges dropped in HP spy case
A state judge in California on Thursday dismissed charges against the three remaining state criminal defendants in the Hewlett-Packard Co. spying case.

MySpace again under phishing attack
Phishers have been using compromised accounts to attack unsuspecting Web surfers, security experts said Thursday.


GPS: Devices vs. in-phone services
Keith debates the merits of purpose-built GPS units for the car versus the GPS services popping up on many cellphones. Which one is right for you? Find out on this week's Cool Tools show.


I phone, you phone, we all drone for iPhone
Jason Meserve and guest-host Jonathan Summey talk about this new iPhone thing, a family getting stalked by their cell phone, and tell you which high-tech job ranked as one of the worst jobs of possible.


Today at Cisco Subnet
While we mere mortals have to search eBay for cheap routers to kit out our Cisco lab at home, Scott Morris, quadruple-CCIE, has a $2.3 million Cisco lab in his basement. Did you know John Chambers has a degree in jurisprudence? What is jurisprudence?

Today on Layer 8, where we only spam the ones we love:
The Department of Justice has issued a warning about fraudulent spam e-mail messages claiming to be from DOJ. Based upon complaints from the public, the DOJ says the fraudulent messages are addressed "Dear Citizen."


1. The most-hyped tech products of all time
2. Gartner to IT: Avoid Apple's iPhone
3. Microsoft security group on 'worst jobs' list
4. Parallel system 100X faster than PCs
5. Microsoft moves against pirates
6. Giving an interview gets a guy fired
7. CIOs leery of iPhone
8. U.S. citizens warned of phishing attack
9. Can cell phones be hacked?
10. Wireless service providers struggling

Twisted Pair: Microsoft can patch anything faster than you

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Questions? Feedback? Contact Site Editor Jeff Caruso.



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