Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Revised opinion of Gartner ID Summit

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Revised opinion of Gartner ID Summit

Dave Kearns By Dave Kearns
I went to the second annual Gartner ID Summit in Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. You may remember that I knocked the announcement of the first ID Summit last year (see "Gartner launches identity management event," ) and had little good to say about it after the fact (see "Identity experts don't think much of Gartner's identity summit,") but now that I've been there I do think it has a role to fill. Read full story

Dave Kearns is the editor of IdM, the Journal of Identity Management as well as a consultant to both vendors and users of IdM technologies. He's written a number of books including the (sadly) now out of print "Complete Guide to eDirectory." His other musings can be found at the Virtual Quill, an Internet publisher which provides content services to network vendors: books, manuals, white papers, lectures and seminars, marketing, technical marketing and support documents. Virtual Quill provides "words to sell by..." Find out more by e-mail. Comments to this newsletter can be e-mailed to Dave here


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