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Thursday, January 10, 2008

[NT] Sun J2RE DoS Issue (RFC2397)

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Sun J2RE DoS Issue (RFC2397)


The aim of this document is to clearly define an issue that exists with
the Sun JRE product [1] that will allow an attacker to cause the JRE and
Internet Explorer to fail, possibly losing unsaved work etc.


Vulnerable Systems:
* Sun JRE 5.0 prior to update 14

Sun JRE is described [1] as "the Java APIs, Java Virtual Machine (HotSpot
VM), and other components necessary to run applets and applications
written in the Java programming language".

The software provides a virtualisation layer that allows java applications
to be run across platforms and operating systems. These java applications
can be delivered to the JVM via a number of mechanisms, and are commonly
downloaded from a web server or less commonly, can be embedded within HTML

The RFC2397 [2] standard allows for the encoding of java applets within a
URI, allowing it to be embedded in an HTML document.

If an applet is encoded into the data parameter of an object tag with an
undefined "name" attribute, and is then passed to Internet Explorer, then
when the application is unencoded and passed in turn to the JVM it causes
a null pointer exception to occur in jpiexp32.dll.

Upgrade to a version of the Sun JRE product that does not exhibit this
issue (such as Sun JRE 6.0 or JRE 5.0 update 14), and uninstall all
effected versions. This is important, as it is possible for an attacker
to specify which local VM will be used to run an applet (and so select a
vulnerable version).

[1] <>
[2] <>


The information has been provided by <>
Martin O'Neal.


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