Tuesday, January 15, 2008

[NT] TIBCO SmartSockets RTserver Heap Overflow Vulnerability

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TIBCO SmartSockets RTserver Heap Overflow Vulnerability


<http://www.tibco.com/software/messaging/smartsockets/> TIBCO
SmartSockets is "a message passing framework used to transport messages
over disparate channels. The RTserver is the server component of the
framework". Remote exploitation of a heap overflow vulnerability in TIBCO
Software Inc.'s SmartSockets RTserver may allow an attacker to crash the
service or execute arbitrary code with SYSTEM privileges.


Vulnerable Systems:
* TIBCO SmartSockets version 6.8.0

A heap overflow vulnerability exists within the code responsible for
processing requests. Two distinct values from the request are used for the
allocation size and the amount of data copied. Since both values are
attacker controlled, this can lead to a heap overflow, potentially
resulting in the execution of arbitrary code.

Exploitation allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code with SYSTEM
privileges. Unsuccessful attempts will likely crash the RTserver. The
service does not restart, which makes repeated exploitation attempts more

The RTserver is the core component of the SmartSockets framework. Without
it, applications will be unable to pass messages.

Vendor response:
TIBCO has addressed this vulnerability by releasing new versions of their
software. For more information, consult their advisory at the following
URL: <http://www.tibco.com/mk/advisory.jsp>


CVE Information:

Disclosure Timeline:
10/23/2007 - Initial vendor notification
12/04/2007 - Second vendor notification
12/05/2007 - Initial vendor response
01/15/2008 - Coordinated public disclosure


The information has been provided by iDefense Labs.
The original article can be found at:



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