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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

NetApp founder, bull castrator; FCC questions Comcast on VoIP management;'s new file

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Cost-Effective IPAM Best Practices.
Discover the fundamentals of a booming IPAM implementation in this whitepaper, "Best Practices for Next-Generation IP Address Management." A successful IPAM provides a solid foundation for further IT automation to support advanced IP services management. Timely IPAM topics including DNS security, converged services and IPv6 are covered in this report. Download this whitepaper now.


Spotlight Story

Bull castration, snake eaters, opium and a whorehouse: the life of storage guru Dave Hitz
By Jon Brodkin
If you're surprised that the founder of an IT company is familiar with the intimate details of bull castration, then you haven't read the life story of Dave Hitz. Read full story

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News podcast: Network World 360
Juniper is expected to announce lay offs next month, including employees in its enterprise business, according to an investment firm. Technology companies will have a major opportunity to snag government contracts by working with the Obama administration on its planned cybersecurity goals. (7:38)

Products of the Week
Cool new announcements from HP, BigFix, Infoblox and others.

FCC questions Comcast's VoIP management protocols
The Federal Communications Commission has issued a letter to Comcast questioning whether the ISP is degrading rival VoIP traffic in favor of its own service.'s new robots.txt
Lenssen: Now that Barack Obama is US president, the White House website saw an overhaul. And as Jason Kottke noticed, so did the robots.txt file, which tells search engine crawlers like the Googlebot which content is OK to index. According to Jason here's the before and after.

Citrix plans 'bare metal' desktop hypervisor
Citrix Systems is working with Intel to develop a "bare metal" hypervisor for client PCs, which proponents say could broaden the use of desktop virtualization by overcoming...

Cisco scammer gets 5 years in jail
A federal judge today sentenced an independent computer contractor who bilked Cisco and its SmartNet program out of $4.2 million, to five years in prison.

Riverbed to buy Mazu for analysis tools
Riverbed will acquire Mazu Networks to add application performance analysis to its offerings, allowing enterprises and carriers to measure the benefits of WAN optimization.

Obama inauguration sets Web traffic record, Akamai says
Akamai's Web traffic delivery surged to record levels during President Barack Obama's inauguration yesterday, as the company's global content delivery networks had to deliver...

DoD offers free security training
Schiffman: Our tax dollars at work...or is it tax dollars from our work? Regardless, you can save budgetary resources by outsourcing security training to our government. A curriculum of free web based training from the Department of Defense (DoD) concentrates on Information assurance (IA), although covers a wide range of security topics.

What Do You Think of ClearSight Networks Network Time Machine?
Sevcik and Wetzel: This week we zero in on ClearSight Networks' Network Time Machine in our ongoing series of profiles and reader evaluations of application performance management products. Born as AppDancer Networks in 2001, the company received a cash infusion from Japan's Toyo Corporation as well as new management and the ClearSight name in 2003. ClearSight's Network Time Machine is a traffic monitoring appliance designed for high-capacity Ethernet links.

IT Outlook '09
Products of the WeekIn-depth analysis of the latest enterprise strategies, start-ups to watch, people to know, and more.

9 hot technologies for '09
9 hot technologies for '09Our annual rundown, plus a tip or two about how to approach each hot technology.

Sponsored by BT Diamond IP

Cost-Effective IPAM Best Practices.
Discover the fundamentals of a booming IPAM implementation in this whitepaper, "Best Practices for Next-Generation IP Address Management." A successful IPAM provides a solid foundation for further IT automation to support advanced IP services management. Timely IPAM topics including DNS security, converged services and IPv6 are covered in this report. Download this whitepaper now.


Preparing for the Next Cyber Attack.
Ensure you are up-to-speed on the latest security technologies available to keep your network safe in this Executive Guide. Get a thorough assessment of the corporate security threat landscape. Protect your network with data leakage protection, NAC and other technologies explained in this report.
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Take Control of Network TCO by Automating IPAM
Join ESG and Infoblox to learn about reducing network TCO while boosting network availability by automating IPAM.
Review this information-packed webinar today.



Today's most-read stories:

  1. Court rules Kentucky does not own the Internet
  2. Juniper expected to cut jobs amid weak demand
  3. Belkin fake reviews case raises broad questions
  4. How to protect your PC against the Downadup worm
  5. Sony: There's no way Xbox 360 will win in the end
  6. WLAN sniffers pass the sniff test
  7. F5 attempts to lure Nortel Alteon customers
  8. Cisco CTO could be tapped by Obama
  9. Top 10 YouTube hacking videos
  10. Obama's BlackBerry equals national security threat

Preparing for IPv6.
Get concrete facts on what IPv6 adoption means for your organization in this Executive Guide. Learn how IPv6 and IPv4 can coexist and the role of NAT devices in this new world. Find out if you need to develop a business case today and how to get started.
Download this Executive Guide now.

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