Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Senator wants Microsoft to explain U.S. jobs loss in layoff; How to dual boot Vista and Windows

Sen. Charles Grassley wants Steve Ballmer to provide a breakdown of the jobs Microsoft plans to eliminate
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5 Ways to see Network trouble coming
Find and fix problems before they impact your network. Learn how in this Webcast, "Become a Network Psychic: 5 ways to see trouble coming and stop it before it starts." John Gallant CEO of Network World will introduce and Erik Swan, CTO, of Splunk will review timely information regarding troubleshooting and proactively monitoring the network. Review this program today.


Spotlight Story

This is Network World's Microsoft Subnet news alert in which we focus on the top items from Microsoft Subnet, your daily source for Microsoft news, blogs, discussion items, security alerts, giveaways and more.

Top pick of the week

Senator wants Microsoft to account for U.S. jobs lost in layoff
Sen. Charles Grassley, an Iowa Republican, wants Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to provide a breakdown of the jobs Microsoft plans to eliminate in terms of how many will be folks with H-1B visas and how many will be Americans, reports Reuters. Ballmer had said during a live telecast with analysts that although Microsoft plans to eliminate up to 5,000 jobs over the course of 18 months, the company also planned to hire a few thousand people for key areas like search. Microsoft Subnet questioned at that time whether this was another way for Microsoft to say that it was killing U.S. jobs and shifting to them to overseas workers.

Related News:

More top picks from the week:

10 Windows 7 beta videos depicting all the best stuff in the new OS

Vista Capable lawsuit damages to Microsoft could be $8.5 billion

Enterprises must take action to block IE8 from auto installing

Windows 7: the untold story of how the enterprise gets snubbed

The Windows 7 / Linux debate: both sides weigh in

Podcast: The PBX is nearly dead. Long live Office Communications Server 2007

From our bloggers:

Mitchell Ashley: Converging on Microsoft
How to dual boot Vista and Windows 7
I moved Windows 7 onto my primary laptop. Rather than wipe out the Vista installation on my laptop, I decided to set it up as a dual boot machine. The process is generally easy, though you can run into some snags along the way.

Ron Barrett: A Better Windows World
Replay DSM: Easy e-mail recovery that can ease your mind
One product for e-mail protection that combines ease of management, message-level retrieval and total peace of mind is AppAssure’s Replay DSM. The thing I loved most about it is its ability to restore items right back to an active Exchange server. 

Tyson Kopczynski: Hidden Microsoft
Why I think PowerShell modules may lead to chaos!
I'm not saying that modules themselves are a bad thing but as PSH becomes the de facto management interface for Microsoft we'll find that resource conflicts, cmdlet overload, duplicated efforts and a sea of digital signatures all threaten life on planet Earth as we know it.

Glenn Weadock: On Windows Server 2008
Windows 7 ... beware the freshness date
If you want the Windows 7 beta you are not alone but be warned: the download is massive -- even on a broadband connection you'll need a few hours. It times out on August 1, 2009 and you will not be able to do an in-place upgrade.

Brian Egler: SQL Server Strategies
Accumulation or regression in SQL Server?
The Incremental Servicing model for SQL Server continues to march on with Cumulative Update # 3 now available for SQL Server 2008. Microsoft has committed to a CU every two months and this strategy seems to be paying off.

Kerrie Meyler: Managing Microsoft
Microsoft layoffs: more like a diet than an illness
Microsoft is planning to reduce its workforce by 5% over the next eighteen months ... What isn’t being mentioned is the rate of employee growth in recent years. Since 2005, Microsoft has grown its staff more than 12% each year.

Randy Muller: All About Microsoft Certifications
The economic meltdown has not diminished the need for certifications
The poor economy hasn't meant that people have stopped training for certifications although I'm seeing fewer students in each class. But I view this as an opportunity to focus on new objectives and technologies, a time when we have less work and more time.

Susan Hanley: Essential SharePoint
Metadata moderation: don’t go overboard!
If you are lucky enough to convert users from folders to metadata in SharePoint, you may find yourself having to convince users that they don’t really need metadata for every possible way to classify a document.

Hot discussions among Microsoft Subnet readers

Why Windows 7 will never kill off Linux

Windows 7 - the dilemma XP users will face

IE8: Achilles heel of Windows 7 beta

How to dual boot Vista and Windows 7

Fun with Windows 7

NVIDIA ION: gives the Linux netbook something to keep an I-ON

Giveaways and goodies

Deadline is January 31 for these goodies up for grabs:
1) One Microsoft training course from New Horizons worth up to $2,500.
2) Fifteen copies of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management and Administration Book by Ross Mistry and Hilary Cotter, published Dec. 23, 2008, by Sams.
See the Microsoft Subnet home page for details on all giveaways.

Check out Microsoft Subnet’s library for more free chapters and special discounts on best-selling books.

Check out the giveaways for books and free Cisco training from our sister site, Cisco Subnet.

Visit the Microsoft Subnet page for daily news, bloggers, opinions, hot topics.

Betting on SuperNAP
In Las Vegas, data center takes power and cooling to the limitIn Las Vegas, data center takes power and cooling to the limit.

Data gone missing
10 woeful tales of data gone missing10 woeful tales involving backup tapes: some current, some classic and one just plain unusua.

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5 Ways to see Network trouble coming
Find and fix problems before they impact your network. Learn how in this Webcast, "Become a Network Psychic: 5 ways to see trouble coming and stop it before it starts." John Gallant CEO of Network World will introduce and Erik Swan, CTO, of Splunk will review timely information regarding troubleshooting and proactively monitoring the network. Review this program today.


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Today's most-read stories:

  1. Downadup/Conflicker worm: When will the next shoe fall?
  2. iPhone to get global flat-fee voice service
  3. Windows 7: the untold story of how the enterprise gets snubbed
  4. Open source identity: Linux founder Linus Torvalds
  5. FAQ: How to protect your PC against the Downadup worm
  6. Brocade's new CTO takes aim at Cisco
  7. Heartland tries to rally industry in wake of data breach
  8. IBM confirms layoffs
  9. Apple puts iPhone Nano and Netbook rumors to rest
  10. Microsoft 'can't imagine' PS3 catching up to Xbox 360


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