Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Accused rogue admin Terry Childs makes his case; Verizon details LTE plans; CVS spanked

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Spotlight Story

Accused rogue admin Terry Childs makes his case
By Robert McMillan
He's been in jail for seven months now, but former San Francisco network administrator Terry Childs says he's going to keep fighting to prove he's innocent of computer crime charges. Read full story

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News podcast: Network World 360
Symantec Tuesday unveiled Endpoint Virtualization Suite, its set of server-based tools for controlling and delivering laptop and desktop application environments through flexible online provisioning. Also, Nortel plans to deliver more details within a few weeks about how it plans to get out of bankruptcy, a company official says, which may help placate suppliers nervous about the lack of specifics. (7:28)

Products of the Week
Cool new announcements from Symantec, IBM and Solar Winds and others.

Verizon confirms details of U.S. LTE deployment
Verizon Wireless will launch 60Mbps Long Term Evolution "pre-commercial" cellular service, the first in the United States, in two cities late in 2009. Commercial service officially will go live the following year, expanding to 25 to 30 markets.

CVS spanked for customer privacy failures, pays $2.25 million to settle HIPAA violations
The largest pharmacy chain in the U.S., CVS Caremark, today settled Federal Trade Commission charges it failed "to take reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect the sensitive financial and medical information of its customers and employees," in violation of federal law.

AMD shareholders favor manufacturing spinoff
Advanced Micro Devices shareholders on Wednesday voted in favor of spinning off the company's chip manufacturing operations into a separate company.

Facebook decides not to suck life out of users
Brandon: If you logged into your Facebook account this morning, you know that the social net has caved into pressure from users who demanded a reversal in the new terms of use.
Facebook asks for do-over

Social Networking - Appreciating The Information Lifecycle
Nickasch: The "social networking" community is buzzing this morning with the Facebook Terms of Service shakeup. What users of any social networking site must realize, however, are the potential dangers of the "information lifecycle."

Podcast: Virtualization makes data protection more complex
Technologies like virtualization and increasing demand for 24/7 uptime are making data protection trickier than ever. Matt Kixmoeller of Symantec's Data Protection Group talks with Network World's Jon Brodkin about the biggest challenges related to data protection, backup and recovery. (15:19)

Today on Google Subnet
Facebook decides not to suck life out of users; Guitar Hero comes to the Android G1; and HTC/Google: Focused on design or keeping Apple happy?

IT & social networks
where IT pros do their social networkingSurvey takes a look at where IT pros do their social networking.

Hot spot safety tips
Top 10 hot spot safety tipsHow to protect laptop data at your local Wi-Fi hot spot.

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Get the facts on the HP Network Automation architecture that intelligently uses network bandwidth and adheres to company security policies and best practices without creating security violations or affecting your production environment. Learn more today.


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Today's most-read stories:

  1. Nortel exec issues vague promise to detail its reorganization
  2. 9 dirty tricks: Social engineers' favorite pick-up lines
  3. Social network sites vary greatly on availability
  4. SolarWinds offers free Cisco IP SLA monitoring tool
  5. Vodafone to sell second HTC Google phone
  6. How to build your own supercomputer
  7. Spammers break Hotmail's CAPTCHA yet again
  8. Microsoft strives for mobile mindshare with Windows Mobile 6.5
  9. Is Cisco short of cash in the U.S.?
  10. LiMo's Linux-based mobile OS stack makes gains

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