Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Beating WLANs into submission, Part 1: Airtime management

Mechanisms for deriving better and more predictable Wi-Fi performance
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Beating WLANs into submission, Part 1: Airtime management

Joanie Wexler By Joanie Wexler
The IEEE ratified the bare bones Wi-Fi standard in 1997. Since then, equipment vendors and various 802.11 working groups have been beating it into submission with formal extensions and proprietary capabilities to render it a business-grade network. Much of the ongoing work relates to controlling the shared airwaves in ways that prevent big transmissions from any one client from squeezing out other clients' traffic. Read full story

Joanie Wexler is an independent networking technology writer/editor in Silicon Valley.

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Sponsored by Meru

Meru Enterprise Wireless Networking: Outlook for 2009
Join noted wireless industry analyst Craig Mathias, as he provides his annual outlook on what will be important in wireless networking this coming year.


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