Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Federated provisioning could exist

If reason prevails federated provisioning could become a reality
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Federated provisioning could exist

Dave Kearns By Dave Kearns
Today we'll wrap up our current discussion of federated provisioning. That's easy, because there really is no such thing today. But there might be if reason prevails. Let me tell you about it. Read full story

Dave Kearns is a consultant and editor of IdM, the Journal of Identity Management.

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Enterprise Provisioning vs. Federated Provisioning When last we spoke I left you thinking about deprovisioning both your people from apps you don't control or your apps from people you don't control. It's a big issue with software-as-a-service (SaaS) and federated provisioning. It was the Burton Group's Ian Glazer who said: "...there should be no reason why deprovsioning from an application like is any harder than deprovisioning from LDAP." And, in truth, maybe it isn't.

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Provisioning/de-provisioning in the education sector I'm at the Catalyst Conference in San Diego this week - say "Hi!" if you see me wondering the halls - but the news from the show will have to wait until next week's newsletters. Today I want to finish something I touched on recently - provisioning/de-provisioning in the education sector.

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Who goes there? Identity management is all about who you are and what you should be allowed to do. This Product Guide describes the technology and how it works.

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