Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hi Marina...

Hi, my dear Marina
I am very happy to see your letter!
I was pleased today with the morning reading it.
Also I have 2 news. One good, but the other is bad.
I think it is necessary to start with good news!
Today morning I went to the bank and did you transfer
money in the system WESTERN UNINON!
I was able to send you only a fraction of the money that is
860 euro. After tomorrow I will have money again and I can send you back.
This will be approximately 750 euro. If you have any questions then
Call me 800-242-9990 I have always been near the phone and can answer.
As for the current data transfer is I crawled the transfer form and
sent it to you in the archive. To see his beloved you must download
it from the site file.
I think that all of the form clearly understood ...

As for the bad news is I have very sick,
severely sore throat, I think that your arrival is already going well.

Yesterday I called my mom and said that the visit to meet with you.
We will have a pleasant evening.

I love you!
Waiting for your reply.
Your Mark

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