Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Keep your smartphone safe


Wednesday, Feb 25, 2009


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Keep your smartphone safe
Posted February 25, 03:00 a.m. Pacific Time

In news that will surprise no one, mobile viruses are on the rise. McAfee's recently released report on mobile security indicates that manufacturers are aware of the increase in mobile security issues: Half of all global manufacturers reported mobile malware infections, third-party application problems (such as the one that RIM patched earlier this month), and spam attacks. Additionally, nearly half of the manufacturers believed that their business had been significantly impacted by costs related to patching and fixing affected devices.

Smartphone users ...  >>

Lumension Mobile fights malware on the smartphone
Posted February 25, 07:04 a.m. Pacific Time

As more and more people bring personal technology into the workplace -- most often smartphones -- malicious code writers are beginning to take notice and target these weak points of entry. In its 2009 Cyber Threat Report, the Georgia Tech Information Security Center cited the possibility of botnets moving from the desktop to the smartphone within the year. A few enterprise security vendors are not waiting.   >>

VMware shows virtualization on the mobile phone
Posted February 25, 05:12 a.m. Pacific Time

We've had virtual storage, virtual machines, and virtual datacenters . Now VMware is looking to the next frontier: the virtual mobile phone.   >>

Why netbooks are killing Microsoft
Posted February 23, 07:52 a.m. Pacific Time

When Microsoft laid off 5,000 people in January, analysts and pundits pointed to plenty of reasons for the first major layoffs in the company's history. The obvious culprits included the overall economic meltdown, Apple's continued success and Wall Street's desire to see a leaner Microsoft.   >>

Smartphones get greener
Posted February 20, 06:23 a.m. Pacific Time

The Mobile World Congress was a font of environmental innovation, recycling, and sustainable technology, from solar-powered cell phones, energy-efficient handset displays, to earth-friendly mobile applications.

Samsung made a splash with its new solar-powered handset, Blue Earth, which sports a Pepsi-blue, pebble-shaped touchscreen with solar panels that take up the full back side of the phone. Outdoors, the panels should recharge the battery enough to extend talk time significantly. Samsung has built an Eco Mode into the phone, which saves energy by adjusting the ...  >>

Pixel Qi readies battery-saving laptop screens
Posted February 20, 04:51 a.m. Pacific Time

One Laptop Per Child spin-off Pixel Qi on Thursday said it will soon start shipping low-power screens that could increase laptop battery life by up to 50 percent.   >>

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