Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Spammers break Hotmail's CAPTCHA yet again; Facebook CEO Calms Privacy Fears Over TOS Change

The battle by Microsoft to secure its Live Hotmail system from spammers appears has failed yet again
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Spotlight Story
Spammers break Hotmail's CAPTCHA yet again

By John E. Dunn
The battle by Microsoft to secure its Live Hotmail system from spammers appears to have failed yet again with the news that the latest version of its CAPTCHA authentication system has been broken. Read full story

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February giveaways from Cisco Subnet and Microsoft Subnet
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  1. Vodafone to sell second HTC Google phone
  2. 9 dirty tricks: Social engineers' favorite pick-up lines
  3. Microsoft announces $250,000 Conflicker worm bounty
  4. Huawei unveils first Android smartphone
  5. How to build your own supercomputer
  6. Largest coordinated ATM rip-off ever nets $9+ million
  7. Palm pulls the plug on Palm OS, bets the future on Pre's webOS
  8. Alcatel-Lucent founds 4G industry group
  9. Tweet to compete
  10. Managing network change in a down economy

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