Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Upgrade, repair, replace, or limp along? Google's Latitude: Not new, but worrisome

A down economy increases threat of data walking out the door; Fixing the privacy joke
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Spotlight Story
Upgrade, repair, replace, or limp along?

James E. Gaskin By James E. Gaskin
When money's tight, how do you keep things going and save money at the same time? I think you need a process to decide what to do with equipment that dies. When are you better off repairing/replacing, when to upgrade, and when to just let it die and do without? Read full story

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Today's most-read stories:

  1. Microsoft announces $250,000 Conflicker worm bounty
  2. Evolution of PCs, Macs, Internet, routing, cell phones, Microsoft Windows
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  8. NSA identifies top 25 programming errors
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