Monday, March 30, 2009

Deep computer-spying network touched 103 countries; Firefox patches zero-day, hacking contest bugs

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Spotlight Story
Deep computer-spying network touched 103 countries

By Jeremy Kirk
A 10-month cyberespionage investigation has found that 1,295 computers in 103 countries and belonging to international institutions have been spied on, with some circumstantial evidence suggesting China may be to blame. Read full story

Related News:

Firefox patches zero-day, hacking contest bugs
Just days after a hacker released code that could be used to attack the Firefox browser, Mozilla developers have a fix.

Google plays down security concerns over Docs
Google Docs users shouldn't lose sleep over the security concerns a security analyst has raised about the hosted suite of office productivity applications, Google said late Friday.

RIM, others face uphill rivalry with App Store
If Research In Motion opens its BlackBerry App World online store next week as rumored, it will be the second major mobile vendor to emulate the iPhone App Store and won't be the last.

Creation of White House cybersecurity office still uncertain
It's unclear whether a report being prepared for President Barack Obama on federal information security preparedness will support recent calls for the creation of a new cybersecurity office within the White House, two lawmakers said Thursday.

IT Security Jobs remain HOT, here’s advice on landing a Security Sales Eng. Job
Heary: One of the best places to be in almost any company is a job in or around their sales departments. Sales are a company’s lifeblood so those that can directly influence those sales usually enjoy higher pay and more job perks. However, nothing is for free right? So the trade-off is you typically have less job security and work longer hours. If you don’t bring in the numbers to meet your sales quota you’ll be out of the job before long. One thing you definitely can’t do is “coast” in a sales job. IT sales jobs are no exception to this rule. IT sales engineering roles do tend to offer a bit more job security (if you know your stuff of course) but you sacrifice some of your pay for this security.

IBM Steps On American Workers - Future IT Managers Replace IBM
Mitchell Ashley, author of the Converging on Microsoft blog, says IBM's recent layoff says much more about IBM's declining commitment to the American market and its workers.

Charter Communications goes Chapter 11; establishes millions in exec bonuses
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen's cable company, Charter Communications, has filed for bankruptcy to clean up $8 billion in debt. That didn't stop it from planning more than $9 million in bonuses for executives, reports Microsoft Subnet.

Podcast: The Graying of Consumer Technology
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Enter for a Microsoft training giveaway from New Horizons
New Horizons Computer Training is offering a free Microsoft training course worth up to $2,500 to be given to one lucky Microsoft Subnet reader. Deadline for entry is March 31.

App to no good
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CEO payday breakdown
CEO payday: How much tech chiefs made in '08A detailed account of how much tech chiefs made in 2008.

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Today's most-read stories:

  1. Google: IPv6 is easy, not expensive
  2. IETF to explore new routing technique
  3. Microsoft rules netbooks now, but ARM/Linux threat grows
  4. New ransomware holds Windows files hostage, demands $50
  5. Will IBM layoffs mean more jobs sent overseas?
  6. Nasty new worm targets home routers, cable modems
  7. Solid-state flash products hit market en masse
  8. IPv6 is not backwards compatible, developers admit
  9. CEO payday: How much tech chiefs made in '08
  10. Seven reasons MPLS has been wildly successful
  11. Students learn through robot battles

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