Friday, March 27, 2009

Expert cites "major problem" with security policy compliance

SecureWorld Boston speaker calls for going back to basics, moving toward automation
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Spotlight Story
Expert cites "major problem" with security policy compliance

Bob Brown By Bob Brown
Attendees at this week's SecureWorld Boston conference got a stern talking-to Wednesday morning: Keynoter Charles Cresson Wood said organizations need to get their information security policies in order or risk going down the tubes Read full story

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Comply! Compliance with regulations is a bear, but there are tools to get you there. Our revamped Product Guide can help you sort through them all.

Enter for a Microsoft training giveaway from New Horizons
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Visibility into the global network is key to maximum uptime. You can't fix what you can't see and having a view into the global network ensures the ability to; identify and resolve problems quickly, prevent configuration mistakes, enforce best practices and manage the network from a central location. Learn what to ask when evaluating your network management system. Read this whitepaper today.


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Today's most-read stories:

  1. IBM confirms North America layoffs
  2. IPv6 is not backwards compatible, developers admit
  3. Nasty new worm targets home routers, cable modems
  4. CEO payday: How much tech chiefs made in '08
  5. Google: IPv6 is easy, not expensive
  6. Melissa virus turning 10 ... (age of the stripper unknown)
  7. The FCC teaches me a lesson: Don't complain
  8. 10 great free sites and downloads
  9. Rogue SharePoint sites pose security menace
  10. Hackers turn Google into vulnerability scanner
  11. Students learn through robot battles

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