Monday, March 30, 2009

The Experts Community

Quest adds an online extension to The Experts Conference
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Building Bullet-Proof Security for SharePoint Portals
Live Webcast: April 2nd 1pm ET/10am PT. Experts from Burton Group and Oracle discuss technologies, best practices and real-world use cases to shore up security of their SharePoint deployments while continuing to enable seamless collaboration for employees, partners, and customers. Register today.


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The Experts Community

Dave Kearns By Dave Kearns
I missed The Experts Conference last week (formerly the Directory Experts Conference), the first time in a number of years. And, as this was the first edition of the event since Quest assimilated NetPro last fall, I was quite interested in how it went. Read full story

Dave Kearns is a consultant and editor of IdM, the Journal of Identity Management.

Related News:

HP's directory diet guru speaks One of the anticipated joys of attending the Directory Experts Conference each spring is the presentation by HP's Wook Lee, network infrastructure engineer, directory services architect and raconteur. (See here for links to Lee's presentations over the past few years.) Lee manages to take important, yet dry and frequently mind-numbing, topics and, by using analogies and metaphors, turns them into an interesting presentation. This year's was no different.

Longhorn, Active Directory and Kermit the Frog Last week was NetPro’s annual Directory Experts Conference (DEC), an event that anyone connected with Microsoft identity, networking and directory technologies should attend. Over the years I’ve seen the attendance grow from dozens to the over 800 folks who attended this time. Particularly noteworthy are the number of Microsoft employees who go, not to make presentations or do marketing, but to get a better understanding of their own company’s technologies.

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NetPro takes Directory Experts Conference to Europe I'd mentioned a couple of weeks ago that this year's Directory Experts Conference was the biggest and most successful yet. Evidently that meant something to NetPro and its partners (especially Microsoft) as last week ...

The perfect vehicle for identity At the recent Directory Experts Conference (DEC), Microsoft's Stuart Kwan spoke of what's been called the "identity bus." His contention was that the Microsoft Identity Metasystem was the perfect vehicle (pun intended) ...

Is the metadirectory dead? Last week's Directory Experts Conference had eight vendor sponsors - and two of those were virtual directory companies! One was the grand-daddy of virtual directory vendors, Radiant Logic while the other was the "new ...

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Enter for a Microsoft training giveaway from New Horizons
New Horizons Computer Training is offering a free Microsoft training course worth up to $2,500 to be given to one lucky Microsoft Subnet reader. Deadline for entry is March 31.

Network World on Twitter Get our tweets and stay plugged in to networking news.

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CEO payday breakdown
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Sponsored by Oracle

Building Bullet-Proof Security for SharePoint Portals
Live Webcast: April 2nd 1pm ET/10am PT. Experts from Burton Group and Oracle discuss technologies, best practices and real-world use cases to shore up security of their SharePoint deployments while continuing to enable seamless collaboration for employees, partners, and customers. Register today.


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  1. Google: IPv6 is easy, not expensive
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  4. New ransomware holds Windows files hostage, demands $50
  5. Will IBM layoffs mean more jobs sent overseas?
  6. Nasty new worm targets home routers, cable modems
  7. Solid-state flash products hit market en masse
  8. IPv6 is not backwards compatible, developers admit
  9. CEO payday: How much tech chiefs made in '08
  10. Seven reasons MPLS has been wildly successful
  11. Students learn through robot battles

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