Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fools and jokers coming to a network near you; Conficker's patch gambit exposed by researchers

Avaya announces server to unify communications via SIP; China denies cyber spy network charges
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Spotlight Story
Fools and jokers coming to a network near you

John Fontana By John Fontana
While there is little known about the origins of April Fools' Day, the list of gags go on and on and this year is certain to add to the list of potty-themed Wii games, scratch-and-sniff Web sites and police-finding mobile applications. Read full story

Related News:

News podcast: Network World 360Security experts are debating whether the Conficker worm, expected to activate on Wednesday, April 1st, will set off a wave of destruction or be a big dud. Also, Cisco is announcing at VoiceCon Orlando a lower cost telepresence system designed for deployment in existing teleconference rooms without upgrading them to accommodate top-of-the-line telepresence gear. (6:38)

Conficker's patch gambit exposed by researchers
One technique deployed by the Conficker worm is to patch vulnerable Microsoft-based computers it has invaded. But University of Bonn researchers recently discovered that the Conficker patch is sufficiently different than the official Microsoft patch, giving security firm Qualys the opportunity to fine-tune its scanner to pinpoint computers where Conficker lies hidden under its own protective patch. Plus: 
Conficker Set to Strike: Protect Yourself with These Tips
What you need to know about the Conficker worm
Fake security software scammers jump on Conficker

Avaya announces server to unify communications via SIP
Avaya is announcing at VoiceCon Orlando a new server that connects disparate SIP-enabled PBXs into a single system with global dial plans and call routing - a cost-saving first step toward rolling out corporate-wide unified communications.

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China denies cyber spy network charges
China on Tuesday denied suggestions it could be involved in a cyberespionage ring that attacked computers worldwide from servers mostly based in the country.

Fidelis spies data leakage via social networking sites
Fidelis Security Systems is looking to help enterprises monitor and block specific content that employees might try to post in social networking arenas.

Honda develops brain interface for robot control
The research wing of Honda Motor has co-developed a brain machine interface (BMI) system that allows a person to control a robot through thought alone.

Three Reasons Why Microsoft's App Store Will Thrive
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Trade group: U.S. tech industry gained jobs in 2008
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CEO payday breakdown
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Don't let data walk out the door.
With the large number of layoffs today, your confidential data may be leaving with the employee who was let go. Attend this Webcast and learn strategies to protect your network from dismissed employees; how data is being stolen, and much more. Register today.


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Today's most-read stories:

  1. Conficker on April 1st: Eve of destruction or big joke?
  2. Mobile Skype: The end of cellular as we know it
  3. Top 10 technology skills
  4. Conficker's patch gambit exposed by researchers
  5. The 10 worst Microsoft product names of all time
  6. Deep computer-spying network touched 103 countries
  7. Feds give $50 billion IT services deal a second try
  8. Preparing for the Pre: Palm and Sprint must get it right
  9. Seven reasons MPLS has been wildly successful
  10. Fake security software scammers jump on Conficker
  11. Students learn through robot battles

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