Monday, March 23, 2009

Keeping IT honest; Keep an eye on smart grids and sensor nets

Digital healthcare stimulus brings opportunities, risks; Is the Internet killing the news media?
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Data Center of the Future: BitLocker
Hear about BitLocker(TM), and important component in WS08 that adds whole disk encryption and secure startup.


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Keeping IT honest

Mark Gibbs By Mark Gibbs
Forrester thinks paid-for blogging is OK, but Gibbs disagrees because - well, you'll have to read it to find out. He also wonders about what you might do if you discover malfeasance in your company. Read full story

Related News:

Johnson: Keep an eye on smart grids and sensor nets
Part of being a professional pundit is having the ability — real or imagined — to “see around corners.” That is, to predict with some degree of accuracy that which hasn't been invented yet.

Antonopoulos: Digital healthcare stimulus brings opportunities, risks
Healthcare in the United States is going digital, which brings both tremendous opportunities and security risks. Digital healthcare brings the promise of increased quality of care, reduced errors and reduced cost and ...

Bradner: Is the Internet killing the news media?
The latest Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism report on the state of the U.S. news media makes for sobering reading if you are a student thinking of pursuing a career in journalism or if you are already in the ...

Gaskin: The three cornered Symantec yellow blanket
For some reason, Symantec's corporate yellow color always reminds me of a blanket. But unlike some companies that seem to plot global domination at every turn, Symantec seems happy with its three cornered blanket. ...

Cool Tools: RoadTrip-pin with the iPhone
RoadTrip with SmartScan, by Griffin Technology, combines an FM transmitter for playing an iPod/iPhone through your car stereo speakers with a car charger.

Gearhead: Aardvark solves my Gmail problem
Mark Gibbs suddenly found that with Firefox on his Mac he couldn't log in to Gmail and there was no obvious reason. After asking his friends he tried asking strangers by using Aardvark, a social search service. Surprise ...

Exchange alternatives: Pros & cons
Clear Choice Test: Microsoft Exchange alternativesTesting shows Microsoft's Exchange still tops for features and management hooks.

App to no good
10 iPhone apps that could get you into troubleA look at the top 10 iPhone apps that could get you into trouble.

Sponsored by Dell

Data Center of the Future: BitLocker
Hear about BitLocker(TM), and important component in WS08 that adds whole disk encryption and secure startup.


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Today's most-read stories:

  1. Rootkit to exploit Intel chip flaw to be posted 3/19/09
  2. Voluntary separation scheme for Dell's Malaysian staff
  3. Researcher cracks Mac in 10 seconds at PWN20WN
  4. Palm revenues plunge as Pre's launch draws near
  5. Tweeted out of a job: "Cisco Fatty" story
  6. Cisco buying flip video camera maker for $590 million
  7. Developer accidentally triggers iPhone tethering in 3.0 beta
  8. Cisco rivals size up UCS with usual reaction: caveat emptor
  9. Can Cisco sell 'unified' vision to a tough server crowd?
  10. IBM + Sun: How a merger would impact IT
  11. Students learn through robot battles

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Webcast: Data center server selection.
Forrester Research's Brad Day helps IT professionals refine their server selection criteria in this informative Webcast, "Beyond Systems Performance." Ensure you will make the right decision for your next-generation data center. Get Day's tips on creating a cost-efficient environment that delivers the performance and long-term resiliency you require.
Watch this Webcast now.

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