Monday, March 02, 2009

The other federation technology

A look at federated directories
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Spotlight Story
The other federation technology

Dave Kearns By Dave Kearns
While we've seen, over the past few issues, that federated provisioning still has a long way to go there's another technology, an older technology, which might bear another look. Read full story

Dave Kearns is a consultant and editor of IdM, the Journal of Identity Management.

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The promise of provisioning Way back in the dark ages, 10 whole years ago, I first wrote about provisioning as the "killer app" for Identity Management. Actually, I called it the killer app for directory services, since the identity management tag hadn't yet been promulgated. In a piece I wrote for Novell's Web site (now, sadly, no longer available), I touted Business Layer's eProvision Employee application and talked about what was to come. Sometimes prognosticators are wrong.

Enterprise Provisioning vs. Federated Provisioning When last we spoke I left you thinking about deprovisioning both your people from apps you don't control or your apps from people you don't control. It's a big issue with software-as-a-service (SaaS) and federated provisioning. It was the Burton Group's Ian Glazer who said: "...there should be no reason why deprovsioning from an application like is any harder than deprovisioning from LDAP." And, in truth, maybe it isn't.

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Migrating Servers to Windows Server 2008
Upgrading to the Windows Server 2008 OS can offer myriad advantages, including enhanced performance, security, and stability. By following best practices for in-place upgrades and taking advantage of tools such as the Dell Windows Server 2008 Readiness Advisor, administrators can help ensure a smooth migration on their Dell PowerEdge(TM) servers.


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