Thursday, March 26, 2009

RoadTrip-pin with the iPhone

The Internet makes us productive. Really, it does.
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Gartner 2009: Business Intelligence and Performance Management
Gartner's five predictions in business intelligence (BI) and performance management reveal both the challenges and opportunities that IT leaders will have to deal with. This paper will look back at two predictions Gartner made in the past to give a sense of how this space has changed and what has not changed.


Spotlight Story
RoadTrip-pin with the iPhone

Keith Shaw By Keith Shaw
RoadTrip with SmartScan, by Griffin Technology, combines an FM transmitter for playing an iPod/iPhone through your car stereo speakers with a car charger. Read full story

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Gartner 2009: Business Intelligence and Performance Management
Gartner's five predictions in business intelligence (BI) and performance management reveal both the challenges and opportunities that IT leaders will have to deal with. This paper will look back at two predictions Gartner made in the past to give a sense of how this space has changed and what has not changed.


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Today's most-read stories:

  1. CEO payday: How much tech chiefs made in '08
  2. Melissa virus turning 10 ... (age of the stripper unknown)
  3. Hidden commands
  4. Linux penguin mascot gives way to Tuz
  5. What is Nortel up to?
  6. 10 great free sites and downloads
  7. Eight great free security tools
  8. Strike looms for AT&T
  9. Microsoft to present open source blueprint for down economy
  10. Microsoft again delays identity management server
  11. Students learn through robot battles

Network World on Twitter: Get our tweets and stay plugged in to networking news

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