Monday, March 30, 2009

Whitepaper Download Alert: March 30, 2009

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Check out Network World's comprehensive library of whitepapers for IT professionals, which includes carefully selected topics that matter most to your organization. Each week you will receive updates sent straight to your inbox. You can see all of the available whitepapers at:


IDC: Optimizing Infrastructure Control
This paper outlines the nature of infrastructure integrity, change auditing, and compliance solutions. It describes how an investment in configuration assessment and change auditing solutions can stabilize IT operations, lowering the operational costs associated with the IT infrastructure; be a force multiplier; and provide a solid foundation that increases the effectiveness of the investment in information security.


F5 Networks
7 Key Challenges You Can't Ignore
Virtualization platforms, such VMware ESX and Microsoft Hyper-V, represent the first form of virtualization that is typically introduced into the data center. While these new infrastructure platforms provide considerable advantages; VMs also add complexity, scale, and management challenges to your environment.


Simplifying the Reporting Landscape
With all the attention surrounding dashboards & other attractive delivery methods for business intelligence (BI) content, classic report generation & production is often overlooked. However, at the heart of every effective BI strategy is a solid reporting solution, and in recent years innovations in reporting technology make this topic worth reviewing again. Read this whitepaper to learn the latest best practices & innovations in production reporting. The paper will cover the background of today's reporting situation and look at ways to improve the efficiency & effectiveness of reporting processes.


Building Bullet-Proof Security for SharePoint Portals
Live Webcast: April 2nd 1pm ET/10am PT. Experts from Burton Group and Oracle discuss technologies, best practices and real-world use cases to shore up security of their SharePoint deployments while continuing to enable seamless collaboration for employees, partners, and customers. Register today.


Select the right server for the job
Lower costs and mitigate risk by selecting the right server for the job. From basic, entry-level to high-end server racks and towers, better understand your options with the HP ProLiant family of servers. Also discover how HP offers a variety of services, management software, and storage options. Download this guide today for all of the details.


IDC Whitepaper: Gaining Business Value and ROI
Discover the benefits of using a server lifecycle management platform in this whitepaper from IDC. Benefits include saving IT staff time by automating routine tasks, increased IT productivity, higher availability, faster response time to incidents, cost savings and improved ROI. Get all of the details today.


IDC: Business Value of Virtualization
With even the most basic virtualized environment cost savings are substantial according to IDC. You can expect a reduction of up to 35% of total annual server costs per user. These savings only grow with advanced and optimally managed virtualized environments, which boost a reduction of up to 52% of total annual server costs per user. Download this whitepaper today for more information.


Select the right server for the job
Lower costs and mitigate risk by selecting the right server for the job. From basic, entry-level to high-end server racks and towers, better understand your options with the HP ProLiant family of servers. Also discover how HP offers a variety of services, management software, and storage options. Download this guide today for all of the details.


F5 Networks
Moving Up the Virtual DC Stack
This whitepaper discusses defining the baseline and process of virtualization maturity for the data center.


Explore the World of servers
Visit the Masters of Enterprise Servers microsite to expand your server knowledge by reading the latest industry news and downloading from our collection of IDC white papers, webcasts, and more. This resource center is updated daily with the latest server news, acquisitions and contains a weekly blog from Deni Connor.


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