Friday, December 18, 2009

$43B Cisco-based network causes stir; Will 2010 be year of IPv6?; Buying a Dynamips PC

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Will 2010 Be "The Year of IPv6?"; Tis the Season… for Buying my Dynamips PC
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Spotlight Story
$43B Cisco-based network causes stir in Australia

Brad Reese reports on a broohaha developing down under about a new national network that would use a lot of Cisco gear. Australia appears to be in a tizzy over comments made last week by Cisco's Australian CTO, Kevin Bloch. Concerns have been voiced that the $43 billion national broadband network will return incumbent telcos to dominant positions of power. While Cisco stands more to gain should Australia proceed as planned, Bloch said that this would not be in the nation's best interests. Read full story

Related News:

Will 2010 Be "The Year of IPv6?"
Jon Oltsik: Any time you predict the imminent rise of IPv6 you have to do so with tongue firmly planted in cheek. I did a brief Google search and found articles dating back to the early 2000s predicting the oncoming year of IPv6.

Tis the Season… for Buying my Dynamips PC
Wendell Odom: Tis the Christmas season, and among other things, it's time to shop. I'm ready to get out the checkbook and buy a PC to run Dynamips, with enough umpfh to never ever worry about whether it'll run 12 routers or so concurrently.

Cisco, others see Ethernet switches emerge from the bottom
The Cisco Subnet blog: Sales of Ethernet switches grew for the second quarter in a row, according to Infonetics Research, an indication that the market is coming off the bottom of the recession.

iACLs; A Service Providers Best Practice on your LAN
Jimmy Ray Purser: When I first started working on Cisco gear back in the early 18th century, ACLs were one the the biggest deployment problems I ran into on a day to day basis.

Mixed Signals from Cisco on Security
Jon Oltsik: When it comes to information security, networking giant Cisco seems like its at a crossroad. 2009 seems to be highlighted by noteworthy security issues.

Enterprise spending down in double digits this year, up next
The Cisco Subnet blog:Spending in the combined enterprise networking and storage markets will decline 16.6% in 2009, according to Oppenheimer & Co.

Cisco CEO Chambers subject of CNN interviews
The Cisco Subnet blog: There's an interesting series of CNN video interviews with Cisco CEO John Chambers on how the management structure of boards and councils is helping the company and how Chambers plans to stay on for another three to five years.

Chinese Zodiac Accurately Predicts Yearly Cybercrime Trends
Jamey Heary: Could it be possible that the Chinese Calendar has been successfully predicting the trends and methods of security activity in a given year? We are about to close out 2009 the year of the Earthy Ox.

From Cisco Subnet
This is the Friday edition of Network World's Cisco News Alert in which we focus on the top items from Cisco Subnet, your gateway to Cisco news, blogs, discussion forums, security alerts, giveaways and more.

Today from the Subnet communities

On Cisco Subnet:Are Cisco's acquisitions working for the company? and iACLs; A Service Providers Best Practice on your LAN; On Microsoft Subnet Microsoft Exchange 2010: A hard upgrade and not yet in the cloud: On Google Subnet: 10 best Chrome extensions

Network World on Twitter? You bet we are

Decade in tech
Ethernet everywhereHere is a quiz on the most important or quirkiest tech stories to hit the front pages over the first 10 years of the 2000s.

Cool Yule Tools
Windows 7Best picks from this year and a look back at 10 years of tech toys and gadgety gifts.

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December 18, 2009


  1. Is Windows 7 the last major chapter in Windows story?
  2. Bank's antifraud tactics stun security expert
  3. AT&T lashes out at Fake Steve Jobs' threat
  4. The 10 best Chrome extensions for work and play
  5. 10 wacky USB devices
  6. Open source, Linux set for unheralded coronation in 2010
  7. Watch out Microsoft: GNOME is poised to have a killer 2010
  8. IT departments need right skills to recover in 2010
  9. Hot security predictions for 2010
  10. Will 2010 be the year of IPv6?

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