Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Free calculator lets you estimate 11n AP volumes; Cell phone cancer warning proposed by Maine state legislator

Cell phone cancer warning proposed by Maine state legislator; Network World's Products of the Week (Slideshow)
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Retooling IT for a Mobile Workforce
As the workforce becomes increasingly mobile, IT needs to consider automated tools that provide proactive monitoring and desktop management and ensure compliance with IT policies. Not only is end-user productivity at stake, but organizations have to deal with IT governance, regulatory compliance, and security issues. Check out this research note from IDC for guidance.

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Spotlight Story
Free calculator lets you estimate 11n AP volumes

Several of the wireless LAN vendors these days have very slick virtual site-survey and planning tools that make it fairly painless to ascertain exactly where to install access points (and how many of them) to yield the coverage and throughput levels needed throughout a floor or building. Trapeze Networks and Motorola, for instance, jump immediately to mind as having particularly sophisticated but simple-to-use tools. Read full story

Related News:

Cell phone cancer warning proposed by Maine state legislator
A Maine state legislator wants cell phones in the state to carry labels warning of brain cancer risks due to electromagnetic radiation. And the proposal could come up for debate and vote in early 2010.

Network World's Products of the Week (Slideshow)
Our round-up of intriguing new products from Symantec, HP, IBM among others.

Android for Business? 5 Reasons to Think Again
Businesses considering Android as a corporate handset standard should consider the decision carefully, because it may prove hard to justify later on.

Avaya drops wireless headsets
Avaya, which promotes itself as a software company, is trimming back even more on its line of hardware with the elimination of wireless headsets to go with its unified communications infrastructure.

Texting drivers are more dangerous than talkers
You obviously don't need to be told that texting and driving are two complex tasks that don't mix well. But a new study by University of Utah researchers sheds light on why and explains that this activity is even more dangerous than talking on a cell phone while driving.

Google's Android Invasion: Prepare For Phase 2
Google's Android operating system has plenty to celebrate this holiday season -- and now, a new trio of studies suggests the platform is poised for even more success in 2010.

Bluetooth 4.0 Spec Finalized
The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) revealed this Thursday a host of new innovations to be featured its next iteration of the popular Bluetooth wireless protocol.

Google Phone and Netbook Hint at Apple Playbook
The dust hasn't yet completely settled from the frenzy of Google Nexus One phone rumors--in fact there is still ongoing debate about whether the Nexus One will be direct from Google, but that hasn't stopped us from moving on to a new rumor that Google is also developing a Google-branded netbook.

Today from the Subnet communities

On Cisco Subnet: Endpoint Security: As Important in 2010 As Ever and Analyst shares thoughts on Cisco competitor Avaya; On Microsoft Subnet SQL Server? Bah humbug!; On Google Subnet: Google " Dashboard" addresses privacy.

Network World on Twitter? You bet we are

Decade in tech
Ethernet everywhereHere is a quiz on the most important or quirkiest tech stories to hit the front pages over the first 10 years of the 2000s.

Cool Yule Tools
Windows 7Best picks from this year and a look back at 10 years of tech toys and gadgety gifts.

Lower the Cost and Complexity of a Mobile Workforce through Automation
To help you manage a mobile workforce and reduce cost and complexity through automation, Dell invites you to a session with Matt Healy, IDC's Research Manager. He will explore new and generally unaddressed challenges to IT, shortcomings of traditional methods of managing a distributed environment and factors to consider when purchasing automation.
View Now

Business-Critical Benefits of Workload Automation Solutions
This paper explores the current Workload Automation Solutions (WLA) landscape and an innovative solution that addresses historical obstacles to implementation.
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December 23, 2009


  1. Caught on tape: Burglars target wrong techie
  2. Microsoft's 'whitelist' helps hackers, says Trend Micro
  3. Avaya credit rating dropped to junk status in wake of Nortel buy
  4. What's next for MPLS?
  5. Review: VDI shootout
  6. Texting drivers are more dangerous than talkers
  7. Is Windows 7 the last major chapter in Windows story?
  8. The 10 best Chrome extensions for work and play
  9. HP: Our Webcams aren't racist
  10. Twitter's own account caused blackout, says DNS provider

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EMO Labs: Better Sound Through Innovation at DEMOfall 09

EMO Labs' Invisible Speaker innovation takes People's Choice Award top honors at DEMO conference.
Watch EMO Labs product launch.


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