Sunday, December 13, 2009


Greetings to you,

On behalf of the Obama's Foundation, we wish to notify you as a beneficiary of
$800,000.00 USD in compensation of scam victims.Do contact FCMB INTERNATIONAL
BANK, United Kingdom Branch for verification and release of your $800,000.00
USD that has been deposited with the FCMB BANK,UK.

The account log on will be presented to you by the bank in order to access the
funds before releasing into your nominated bank account. You will transfer the
funds into your nominated account on-line as the FCMB BANK,UK will provide to
you all necessary information to transfer your funds. We have taken care of
the cost of transfer (C.O.T) and the VAT. If you are willing to accept the
funds, do contact the Managing Director of the FCMB BANK,UK with the following

You are to fill the appropriate form and submit to the bank.

[1] Full Names:________________
[2] Country/address______________________________
[3] Direct Telephone No: ___________________
|4| Occupation : ____________________________

Managing Director of FCMB BANK,UK
Name: Mr. Colin David
FCMB E-mail:

Yours Faithfully,
Abon'go Malik Obama

Este mensaje y sus anexos son confidenciales y de uso exclusivo de las personas a las que esta dirigido. En caso de que Ud. recibiera este correo por error no podra modificar, copiar o distribuir parte o la totalidad del mismo; asimismo le solicitamos que notifique tal situacion al emisor y que tenga a bien eliminarlo de su sistema. El emisor no acepta responsabilidades por errores u omisiones en el contenido de este correo dado que Internet no garantiza la seguridad y exactitud de las comunicaciones.

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