Monday, March 29, 2010

Is Cisco 'too big to fail'?

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Facebook causes rickets, suicide... and now syphilis | Conficker may be quiet now but it's still a threat

Network World Voices of Networking

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Is Cisco 'too big to fail'?
Is Cisco 'Too Big To Fail'? Companies come and go all the time, due to lots of factors. Economic, political, legislative, all reasons why a vendor is here today, and gone before close of business tomorrow. What impact would Cisco's failure have from a technology standpoint? Read More


IT Service Management: Beyond the Myths
Discover best practices and supporting technologies that deliver the straightest path to service reliability, operational efficiency and effective ROI. Also, examine three case studies that show how IT service management works in the real world. Read More!


8 Tips for Virtualization Under Control
Examine 8 tips that will show you how to virtualize more critical workloads with confidence. From security planning and policy management to automation and access controls, get expert advice on how to build a more secure virtual infrastructure to accelerate the virtualization of business-critical applications. Learn More!

Facebook causes rickets, suicide... and now syphilis
Yesterday, the Telegraph linked Facebook with a rise in syphilis. Read More

Conficker may be quiet now but it's still a threat
My recent post on how botnets are operating like cloud providers provoked a lively discussion in the comments section about Conficker but mostly about world geography. Read More

The biggest cloud on the planet is owned by... the crooks
Who's got the biggest cloud in the tech universe? Google? Pretty big, but no. Amazon? Lots and lots of servers, but not even close. Microsoft? They're just getting started. Read More


Make IT Data a Strategic Asset
This paper outlines the struggles organizations face managing silos of IT data and how, using Splunk, users are changing the way they do their jobs and elevating the role of IT in their organizations. Learn More!

Microsoft's New Embrace of Open Source Makes Sense
Microsoft seems to be spending a lot of time lately trying to convince the open source world it really means it no harm. And, just maybe, it's true. See, Microsoft is about making money. It's a business. When a business sees dollars being siphoned off by other sources, it begins to pay attention. A well-run business doesn't wait until it's lost the battle to co-opt the model picking away at it. Read More

The FCC's Broadband Plan - It's the Politics, Stupid
So I finished reading through the Executive Summary of the FCC's broadband plan announced on Tuesday of last week, and I've heard the commentary on the business channels (yes, I still monitor these during the day, although I switch to another one when the all-to-frequent commercials come on). Read More

Finding God Through Open Source
So a few things I usually try not to blog about are politics and religion. With everyone talking about healthcare and politics, I figure what the heck, lets talk religion. Easter and Passover will be here soon, why not. Being as this is an open source blog, I wanted to talk to you today (there you go, it's a sermon) about open source religion. Read More


Q&A: Virtualization and Cloud Preparedness
As more applications are added per compute node in a virtual environment, there is a corresponding increase in I/O requirements. In this Q&A with Brocade CTO, Dave Stevens, he answers questions on how to ensure your network infrastructure, all the way down to the storage level, is ready for virtualization. Read More!

Video proves there are two sides to every story
Even though this is a topic - "The Future of Publishing" -- about which I care deeply, I'm recommending that you watch this video more for the method of its production than the message it contains. It's only 2 minutes and 26 seconds but you have to get beyond the halfway point to appreciate what's going on. Read More

Lessons learned from a long IT career
In a career that has, so far, spanned about 30 years, I've watched IP and networking change significantly over the years. A few readers have asked me about my background, pointing out that my glib biography posted to the right seems thin. Fair enough … the bio is thin, the experience is not. Read More

NASA gives Mars rover extra smarts
NASA today said it upgraded the software controlling its Mars Rover Opportunity to let it make its own decisions. Read More

Network World channeling The Onion or vice versa?
Both items were published this past Monday, March 22. And both were centered around the familiar image of technology inventors and entrepreneurs toiling away in a garage on what will eventually become an HP, an Apple, or an Or in The Onion's example, none of the above. Read More

Ventura campaigns for Google Fiber
Gibbs discusses how his city, Ventura, California, has responded to the Google Fiber for Communities Request for Information. Read More

Join us on LinkedIn

Discuss the networking issues of the day with your colleagues, via Network World's LinkedIn group. Join today!
- Jeff Caruso, Executive Online Editor

The Future of Big Iron
Do your IT plans include mainframes? Participate in this Aberdeen survey and see how your plans stack up to those of peers in terms of on what core applications are staying on mainframes and where the industry is headed in operating and software architecture. The goal is to get an accurate picture of the opportunity for expanded utilization, the role of 3rd-party support, and overall objectives with respect to distributed, outsourced, heterogeneous and centralized computing paradigms. Aberdeen will also establish a baseline for performance and a set of best practices for improving the efficiency and utilization of mainframe computing technologies. All survey respondents will receive a free copy of the resulting research.

Today from the Subnet communities

Massive giveaway from Cisco Subnet: 50 copies of the Cisco Press CCNP Cert Kits kits are up for grabs. Deadline March 31. NEW! 15 books on Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (OpsMgr) 2007 R2 available, too.


21 apps Apple doesn't want on your 3.0 iPhone
The following 21 apps today run only on jailbroken iPhones. Some may even prove precursors to features released in future Apple iPhone firmware updates.

10 geeky items you're embarrassed to admit you want
Most of us love gadgets. But there is a certain eye-popping reaction when we find a gadget that speaks to our technological selves. Owning such devices would surely be the subject of teasing from those who deny their inner geek, but it would also be the cause of more than a little envy.


  1. Predictions on demand for iPad are astonishing
  2. New malware overwrites software updaters
  3. IPhone, Safari, IE8, Firefox all fall on day one of Pwn20wn
  4. China's Great Firewall spreads overseas
  5. Netflix Wii streaming discs to arrive in mailboxes tomorrow
  6. Software tracks employee Facebook, Twitter activity
  7. Five technologies in the mainstream, thanks to Apple
  8. Only a few days left to snag your CCNP cert training materials
  9. 20 years for notorious TJX hacker Gonzalez
  10. Researchers sound alarm on Web app 'side channel' data leaks

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