Thursday, March 25, 2010

Solving Common IT Security Problems

Solving Common IT Security Problems

Securing an IT infrastructure can be a time-consuming task that leaves little time for the security emergencies that arise in the course of doing business.

Download this eBook for practical security advice on dealing with stolen laptops, securing wireless networks, encrypting sensitive data, keeping executives' PC secure, and more.


eBook: Securing Virtualized Data Centers
Sponsored by Trend Micro
Many enterprises depend on virtualized servers to increase data center efficiency. Unfortunately, this increases their exposure to web threats. This eBook explains how to mitigate the risk and maximize the benefits of virtualization. Download it now »

Guide: Avoiding Audit Fatigue with a Single IT Compliance Strategy
Sponsored by Tripwire
This guide describes how to gain alignment and defines the various compliance roles so that information security and compliance activities become integrated into daily business operations. Learn more. Download Now »

eBook: Top 5 IT Budget Killers
Sponsored by IBM
Many of the largest IT budget problems can be traced back to five big money drains. This e-book, provided by IBM, will introduce you to the five big IT budget killers - and some of the best ways to knock them out. Download Now »

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