Thursday, April 22, 2010

Aligning Business and IT in the Enterprise

Aligning Business and IT in the Enterprise

IT's alignment with the business is critical to the success of an organization. This alignment often requires the key leaders to collaborate and focus on the execution and delivery of key programs. In many cases, successful collaboration means leaders need to have extensive conversations concerning what's vital to the business. Download this eBook to see how Business and IT can be aligned in your enterprise.

Topics include:

  • It is time to think beyond IT
  • CIOs more focused on business than ever
  • Mastering the art of IT/Business alignment
  • Leveraging the right resources for alignment


PDF: Ten Ways to Get More from Your IT Budget
Sponsored by VMware
SMBs need innovative ways to cut costs without affecting business output or growth. Virtualization is a great place to start. This whitepaper illustrates how you can achieve dramatic savings from server consolidation, increased server utilization, automation and centralized management–all benefits of VMware virtualization. Download it now »

Video: How Google Tackles IT Security and What You Can Learn From It
Sponsored by Google
As a provider of cloud-based computing services, Google is equipped to protect millions of users’ data every day. Watch this video now to see how some of the world’s best security experts fight spam, malware, and phishing for Google Apps users, designing identity management systems for hosted web apps, and monitoring the Google network for potential threats. Watch it Now »

Whitepaper: Business Integration Through SOA
Sponsored by Oracle
In today's rapidly changing business environment, organizations of all types face one common and persistent challenge: how to become - and remain - agile enough to satisfy ever-increasing customer expectations and accommodate new compliance mandates, all while staying ahead of the competition. The solution is building business based on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) principles. Download Now »

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