Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Your BlackBerry's dirty little security secret

Why computer science students cheat | Paradise lost: a decade of data breaches

Network World Security

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Your BlackBerry's dirty little security secret
There are many creative ways for people to spy on you through your BlackBerry. A SOURCE Boston preview. Read More


Rethinking Application Security
Hacker motivation has changed from gaining fame to financial gain. Cyber crime activities now employ a new level of network attacks, which go undetected by standard network-security tools. This paper discusses the changing threat landscape and how you can protect your business from emerging threats. Learn More


Best practices for implementing Windows 7
If you're planning to roll out Windows 7, now is the time to review your endpoint and data protection strategies to make sure that you're taking full advantage of the new security features as well as enhancing your overall security for enterprise deployments. Read Now.

Why computer science students cheat
Enrollment in undergraduate computer science courses is at an all-time high at colleges nationwide. But this trend that's been hailed by the U.S. tech industry has a dark side: a disproportionate number of students taking these courses are caught cheating. Read More

Paradise lost: a decade of data breaches
Do you think the moat around Australia extends around your business and hackers won't target you? It doesn't, and research says data breaches will be the elephant-in-the-conference-room at your next IT meet. Read More

Data loss prevention comes of age
After testing endpoint and perimeter data loss prevention products, we conclude our series with a look at DLP tools that can do both. Read More

VIRTUAL EVENT: CIO, Computerworld, CSO, InfoWorld & Network World

Live Security Panel – April 28th
Join us on April 28th for a live virtual event that will provide candid, expert advice on top security challenges and issues – all from the comfort of your desktop. Get in on the discussion - from the unique challenges presented by cloud computing and virtualization to the mass adoption of social media. Attend and you may win a Kindle!

How we tested dlp products
This test was conducted at the Iowa State University Internet-Scale Event and Attack Generation Environment (ISEAGE) Laboratory. Our test network consisted of a Windows 2008 domain controller, an Exchange 2007 server and edge transport server, a MSSQL 2008 server, a Windows 2008 file and print server, two Red Hat Web and mail servers (one internal and one external), two FreeBSD routers, and a Windows XP client. Read More

DLP primer
Data Leak Protection products (DLP) are designed to help organizations keep tabs on and protect sensitive data that, if lost, could create legal liability, loss of profit, safety or security risks, and so on. Read More

As Cloud Computing Grows, Customer Frustration Mounts
What cloud computing offers is clear, such as the ability to rapidly scale and provision computing systems, but the list of things it's missing seems to be growing by the day. Read More


Close the Web 2.0 Communications Gap
Web 2.0 tools have yet to reach critical mass and broad user adoption. This Forrester report identifies the key Web 2.0 gaps and offers advice to: Build a framework that extends email, Upgrade document-based data collection, and Improve email and document exchange security. Read More

ATM skimming equipment seized at Brisbane Internat'l Airport
A 23-year-old Chinese man will face the Queensland Magistrates Court today after being charged with importing items thought to be used for ATM card skimming. Read More

Pa. school district snapped 'thousands' of student images, claims lawyer
The suburban Philadelphia school district accused of spying on students using school-issued laptops snapped thousands of images of teenagers in their homes, including shots of a boy asleep in his bed, documents filed in a lawsuit claimed Thursday. Read More

Police called after 9-year-old steals password
A few weeks ago, officials at Fairfax County Public Schools thought they had a hacker on their hands. Read More

Macs hit by new backdoor attack
Apple antivirus company Intego has discovered a backdoor malware attack targeting Mac users. Read More

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Discuss the networking issues of the day with your colleagues, via Network World's LinkedIn group. Join today!
- Jeff Caruso, Executive Online Editor

Today from the Subnet communities

15 copies of CompTIA A+ study kits (book, video, flash cards) are available from Cisco Subnet.Deadline April 30. 15 books on Microsoft Systems Center Enterprise suite are available, too.


10 useful Google Chrome Experiments
Google's Chrome Experiments is a Web site that showcases JavaScript programs which deliver a rich user-graphics experience. To date, there are about 80 projects featured on Chrome Experiments. Here are the 10 most useful.

Interop history quiz
The venerable networking tradeshow Interop convenes this month in Las Vegas. Answer the following 10 questions about Interop, keep score and see how you stack up at the end.


  1. 5 hot IT certification picks for 2010
  2. Zombies are open source; humans are proprietary
  3. Apache project server hacked, passwords compromised
  4. Israel bans iPads from America
  5. Windows Phone 7 vs. iPhone: a developer's perspective
  6. Why not iSCSI?
  7. Why hasn't Linux been more successful on the desktop?
  8. 10 things the Internet has ruined and five things it hasn't
  9. 12 "White Hat" hackers you should know
  10. Mystery solved: Why time stands still at 9:42 on iPhone

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