Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What's up with encryption?

Microsoft Fixes ASP.NET Zero-Day Flaw | The Stuxnet Worm and Cyberwar: What Happens Next?

Network World Security

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What's up with encryption?
Indeed whatever the reason, encryption technologies seem to be behind a series of important security happenings of late. Here's a look at some of the more interesting happenings shaping encryption today: Read More


Security in the Cloud
This technology dossier contains four papers that address security considerations in cloud computing. It includes IDG Research results on what IT managers have to say about cloud security, executive viewpoints on blending cloud solutions to optimize security, and a strategy paper that addresses protecting data. Read now!


Comprehensive Internet Security Employing A Layered Defense
The threat landscape has experienced growth requiring comprehensive security measures via a layered defense strategy to protect against this wide array of threats. Learn more.

Microsoft Fixes ASP.NET Zero-Day Flaw
Microsoft released Security Bulletin MS10-070 out-of-band today--a couple weeks ahead of the regularly scheduled Patch Tuesday for October. The update resolves a zero-day issue with ASP.NET that could allow an attacker to compromise information on all supported versions of Windows. Read More

The Stuxnet Worm and Cyberwar: What Happens Next?
Act of cyberwar opens lawless and un-charted watersIf you aren't familiar with the Stuxnet worm, here is a brief synopsis. The Stuxnet worm is a sophisticated self-replicating piece of malicious code which targets Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems made by Siemens. The worm is able to recognize and destroy a facility's control network. As of this writing, about 45,000 systems around the world, 60% of which are in Iran. Iran... Read More

Apple Posts Cisco's AnyConnect iPhone SSLVPN Client to the App Store
Cisco takes advantage of the powerful features in iOS 4.1 for its iPhone SSLVPN clientApple posted the Cisco Anyconnect client to the App Store late last week. Now users of the Cisco ASA VPN platform can take advantage of the new features being offered in the iPhone version of the Cisco AnyConnect client. If you are already using the Cisco IPSEC client that is built into iOS then I have some good news for you. The transition to the AnyConnect client is incredibly easy. I'll touch... Read More

Study: Top web sites riskier than porn
Malware has become so common on the web that users are more likely to find malicious content while visiting popular sites than when they are on porn and gaming sites, according to research released Tuesday by security firm Websense Read More


Storage for Windows Environments
This paper discusses how consolidating your Microsoft SQL Server, Exchange, and SharePoint Server data along with your Windows files using NetApp storage for Windows environments reduces the cost of physical storage as well as ongoing management costs in Windows environments. Read More!

Symantec lays out encryption roadmap
Symantec is laying down a strategy for integrating the two encryption-software companies it acquired, PGP Corp. and GuardianEdge Technologies. Read More

NIST blesses network access, desktop security
The Trusted Computing Group and the National Institute of Standards and Technology Tuesday joined to give their blessing to the union of two technologies that each have championed: TCG with its network-access control standard called Trusted Network Connect, and NIST with its desktop-security configuration standard called the Security Control Automation Protocol. Read More

LinkedIn users attacked by deadly Zeus spam
Networking site LinkedIn is being used as the lure for a huge spam campaign designed to infect UK and US businesses with the data-stealing Zeus/Zbot Trojan, Cisco has reported. Read More

Four steps toward safer online banking
With the ZeuS Trojan continually being revised and updated, the malware remains effective as a tool for stealing online financial credentials, but there are some simple measures banks could take to make online accounts more secure, according to the SANS Institute. Read More


Global Threat Intelligence for the well informed SMB
Please read the "Quick Tips for SMBs" that were gleaned from the Threat Report to learn more about how to help your company protect their business information. Read Now.

Heartland Payment Systems bolsters encryption
Heartland Payment Systems, which last year suffered a devastating data breach, has been on a mission to secure payment-card processing . Read More

Smart "E-shirt" monitors your body, helps get your game on
An electronic shirt that can monitor your body as you exercise and report any problems may hit a sporting goods store near you soon.  Read More

California bans malicious online impersonation
A new law makes it illegal in California to maliciously impersonate someone online. Read More

Microsoft boosts Hotmail password reset security
Microsoft on Monday added new security features to its Windows Live Hotmail Web mail service to help users regain control of hijacked accounts. Read More

National Research Council report on biometrics raises hard questions, ire
A lengthy review of the general state of biometrics raises questions about the reliability, accuracy and scalability of these technologies, as well as whether they have the public's trust. Read More

Privacy issues in social-networking sites
Age. Sex. Hometown. Religious and political views. These are some of the innocuous bits of information that Facebook asks for when you first sign up. It certainly seems harmless enough; what does it matter if your friends see it – they probably already know it anyway. But what if those Friends were your employers, how about the Friends of Friends, or even worse, Everyone Read More

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- Jeff Caruso, Executive Online Editor


5 Strange Ways iPhones Die: Insurer Hears it All
What do toilets, beer and elevators have in common? They all send many iPhones to their death, says consumer electronics insurer Worth Ave. Group, which shared some unfortunate tales of iPhone disaster.

Ultimate guide to the flat data center network
The traditional three-tier network had a good run, but its age is starting to show in today's brave new world of server consolidation, virtual machines, cloud computing and 10Gigabit switches. Here's a look at where we've been and where we might be headed.


  1. 11 tools for Windows 7 migrations
  2. Biggest insider threat? Sys admin gone rogue
  3. The Microsofting of Juniper Networks
  4. Texting while driving bans don't work, study finds
  5. RIM shows off Web-based BlackBerry development platform
  6. At long last, Obama highlights IPv6 issue
  7. Implications of the IBM/BLADE deal to Cisco
  8. Don't blame DNS for Facebook outage, experts say
  9. Sprint shows off 4G video apps
  10. The 17 most dangerous places on the Web

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