Monday, March 28, 2011

17th European Colloquium on Quantitative and Theoretical Geography (ECQTG2011)

We are pleased to invite you to the 17th European Colloquium on Quantitative and Theoretical Geography (ECQTG2011), which will take place in the campus of the Harokopio University of Athens, Greece from the 2th to the 5th of September, 2011. The conference is formally organized by the Greek Society for Demographic Studies and hosted by the Department of Geography, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece.

Post 2004 Olympic Games Athens is becoming a cosmopolitan city with modern infrastructure and many cultural and social activities. The most recent addition, this is the New Acropolis Museum, welcomes visitors to the ancient neighbourhoods of Athens and allows for a walk through history - between the masterpieces of the Archaic and Classical periods of Athens. Harokopio University of Athens is just a couple of miles south of the Acropolis and the new museum. Participants in the Colloquium are free to make their own accommodation arrangements. We will recommend a decent hotel for those interested us to arrange for this. Paper sessions will be held in both main buildings of Harokopio University of Athens Campus. Lunch and evening meals will be served at the University.

Previous colloquia have taken place in Strasbourg (1978), Cambridge (1980), Augsburg (1982), Veldhoven (1985), Bardonecchia (1987), Chantilly (1989), Stockholm (1991), Budapest (1993), Spa (1995), Rostock (1997), Durham (1999), St Valery-en-Caux (2001), Lucca (2003), Tomar (2005),Montreux (2007) and Maynooth (2009).

The colloquium is hosted by the Harokopio University of Athens, Greece (HUA).

For a five day weather forecast for Europe and Greece please check our website.

The Colloquium is concerned with recent advances in the areas of Quantitative and Theoretical Geography, and welcomes the submission of high-quality, original contributions. Presentations may describe work of methodological theoretical interest either recently completed or is in progress. 

Topics of interest include without being limited to: 

* Applications of spatial data analysis and geostatistics
* Statistical inference
* Space-time processes in regional science
* Geographical flows and networks
* Urban dynamics and growth
* Economical geography and spatial economy
* Natural resource management and risk analysis
* Spatial processes related to the Renewable Energy and the Green Economy
* Climate Change
* Health geography and epidemiology
* Cellular automata, multi-agent systems and cooperative phenomena
* Spatial Data Visualization
* Innovative and inter-disciplinary methods for spatial data
* Epistemological issues in quantitative geography

In recent years we have seen papers in the areas of GIS, spatial analysis, statistical techniques, mathematical models, fractals, remote sensing, cellular automata, agent-based modelling, locational analysis, urban modelling, environment and pollution, theoretical models, cartographic issues, urban and regional development: this list is not exhaustive.

Important dates in 2011

Abstract submission deadline: 30th March
Acceptance notification: 15th April
Full paper submission: 15th May
Conference registration: 15th April to 1st July
Payment deadline for reduced fee: 30th April
Welcome reception: 2nd September
Paper Sessions: 3th to 5th September
Departure: 5th/6th September

Keynote Speakers

Professor Michael Goodchild, Department of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA - Profile

Professor Graham Clarke, School of Geography, University of Leeds, UK - Profile

Scientific and Local Organising Committees

Scientific Committee

Dimtris Ballas (UK, UoS) - 
Michael Batty (UK, UCL) - 
Mark Birkin (UK, Leeds) - 
Chris Brunsdon (UK, UoL) - 
Tony Champion (UK, UoN)- 
Graham Clarke (UK, Leeds) - 
Georges Christakos (USA, SDSU) - 
Stewart Fotheringham (IRL, NCG) - 
Claude Grasland (Fr) - 
Einar Holm (SE, Umea) - 
Jean-Marie Huriot (Fr) - 
Silvana M. T. Lombardo (IT, UNIPI) - 
Beniamino Murgante (IT, UB) - 
Tomoki Nakaya (Japan, Ritsumeikan) - 
Denise Pumain (Fr, U Paris I) - 
Giovanni Rabino (IT, POLIMI) - 
Lena Sanders (FR, CNRS) - 
John Stillwell (UK, Leeds) - 
Jose Antonio Tenedorio (PT, UNL) - 
Isabelle Thomas (BE, UCL) - 
Cleon Tsimbos (GR, UNIPI) - 
Roger White (CA, MUN) -

Local organising committee

Stamatis Kalogirou (HUA) â€" 
Efthimios Karimbalis (HUA) â€" 
Petros Katsafados (HUA) â€" 
Alexandra Tragaki (HUA) â€" 
Christos Chalkias (HUA) â€" 
Yannis Psycharis (Panteion) â€"

Contact Details
E-mail address:
Telephone: +30 210 95 49 163
Fax: +30 210 95 14 759
Postal address: ECQTG 2011
Department of Geography
Harokopio University of Athens
El. Venizelou 70, Kallithea 
17676 Athens 

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