Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Privacy regs won’t kill innovation so stop whining

Even HTML itself is a Twitter critic | You call that a virus? How I kicked the Mac Defender's butt in five seconds

Network World Voices of Networking

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Privacy regs won't kill innovation so stop whining
With all due respect, the innovation killer (often of a pair with "jobs killer") argument has been the go-to argument against regulation for years. Read More


Tips to Tailor Your Communications Strategy
An IP-based communications system helps businesses streamline voice and data improving internal productivity and customer service, but one size does not fit all. Answer 4 easy questions to find out the best strategies to meet your unique voice and data communications needs. Read Now

WEBCAST: F5 Networks

Architect the Network
This is a public sector focus webinar showing how to Architect the Network for a Highly Available SharePoint 2010 Deployment. Learn more!

Even HTML itself is a Twitter critic
So does HTML really stand for Hating on Twitter Markup Language? That's the impression at least some programmers were left with after having their attention drawn to an element within the official HTML specification -- The maxlength attribute - that veers from the straight-and-geeky normally found in such documents to take a swipe at Twitter and its infamous 140-character message limit. Read More

You call that a virus? How I kicked the Mac Defender's butt in five seconds
About six months ago, I bought the MacBook Air, the first Apple computer I've owned since my childhood self played Oregon Trail on the Apple II in my family's house. I was told by some Mac lovers that I'd never need anti-virus software, but I installed the free Sophos software just in case. Read More

Winners of the Larry Awards for Best Presentations at Interop
Well it is time again for the Larry Awards that recognize the best presentations at Interop. This is the third year for the awards and they have grown into a life of their own. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Diskeeper Corporation

NEW Diskeeper 2011 Pro Premier Edition
Diskeeper 2011 Pro Premier edition provides essential performance and efficiency increases for power workstation users as well as all the features of the Professional edition. Learn more!

Having private parts is not probable cause for TSA to grope or body scan you
After the Texas House of Representatives unanimously passed "Restrain-the-TSA" legislation, which would make invasive pat-downs a crime at Texas airports, it seemed to inject a bit of sanity into arguments of what is reasonable and unreasonable to expect from the Fourth Amendment's "right of the people to be secure in their persons . . . against unreasonable searches and seizures." Read More

Does Amazon "owe" open source? Maybe a little
When most people look at Amazon, they probably see a retail giant that's constantly growing and reaching into new markets. But at the core of almost all of Amazon's success is open source — yet you rarely see Amazon participating and contributing. What's up with that? Read More

"ITIL-Lite" for APM
If you work in a big organization replete with financial and human resources, ITIL may be your best bet for structuring your application performance management. But if your organization is like most, and you don't have the wherewithal and time to implement full-blown ITIL, we suggest a much more practical and less onerous approach to managing application performance. At NetForecast we call it "ITIL-Lite." Read More

WHITE PAPER: F5 Networks

Manageable Application Security
Investments in security solutions have to provide a clear value, which equals additional time spent collecting and documenting proof of this value. The latest version of F5 BIG-IP Application Security Manager(tm) (ASM), v10.1, addresses information overload and the need for agility in implementation. Learn more!

Chocolate In My Peanut Butter: Open Source Single Sign On Meets Open Source Two-Factor Authentication
Back in November I wrote about WiKID Systems and how they were bringing open source two-factor authentication to the market since 2001. I used the WiKID story to explain what two-factor authentication works and why it is a far superior method for security access then passwords alone. Read More

YouTube turns 6 ... and, yes, they do grow up so fast
All the world is a stage and pretty soon everyone in it will be featured in a video on YouTube ... at least once. Read More

Can Space X and Orbital step up for NASA?
The lack of alternatives for supplying the International Space Station and launching science missions have all contributed to the need for commercial rockets. But delays and cost increases in those programs from Orbital Sciences Corporation and Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) may force even more reliance on foreign space services. Read More

Trying To Catch Lightning Twice
The team that brought us MySQL and then sold it for a Billion dollars to Sun is looking to invest in the next big open source success story. Helsinki based Open Ocean Investments announced yesterday the launch of their Fund Three with Sixty Million Dollars. Read More

SURVEY: Future-proofing the cloud
Where do you think cloud computing is headed? This survey enables you to share your views on some potential future events, trends and technology changes driven by cloud computing. By compiling the shared knowledge, opinions and insights of survey participants, everyone will get a clearer view on which changes and trends are more, or less, likely to actually occur. That knowledge will be invaluable in helping you shape your private, public and hybrid cloud strategy and plans for the future.Take the survey.

Up for grabs from Cisco Subnet: 15 copies of IPv6 for Enterprise Networks. Enter here.


7 things we love about Drupal 7
Drupal. the open source Content Management System (CMS) used to power everything from personal sites to the White House's Web site, is legendary for its flexibility and power. Here are the best things about it.


  1. Windows 1.0: Still playing Reversi after all these years
  2. IE flaw could allow hackers access to accounts
  3. Apple sues teenager who sold white iPhone 4 conversion kits
  4. RSA tokens may be behind network security problems at Lockheed Martin
  5. Skype voice service crashes; users offered fix instructions
  6. Google Wallet: Five things you need to know
  7. Cisco is a top 3 server vendor
  8. Microsoft not to blame for Skype rejecting open source company
  9. Two convicted in U.S. over counterfeit Cisco gear
  10. Insider data theft costs Bank of America $10 million

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