Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Does Amazon "owe" open source?:

Trying To Catch Lightning Twice | The Future of Software is in Data

Network World Linux and Open Source

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Does Amazon "owe" open source? Maybe a little
Joe Brockmeier: At the core of almost all of Amazon's success is open source — yet you rarely see Amazon participating and contributing. What's up with that? Read More


3 Steps for Choosing the Right UC Solution
Communication is at the heart of how many small businesses operate. However, few organizations stop to consider how the way they communicate is inefficient. Many consider this to be a cost of doing business. But what if your business could overcome these problems? Learn More

WHITE PAPER: Quest Software

Transaction Tracing through Complex Web Applications
In this Quest white paper, learn about the components of a transaction as they cross various application domains. Then, discover the difficulty in connecting transaction components for monitoring, why continuously monitoring is key and how a third-party solution simplifies the challenge. Learn more.

Trying To Catch Lightning Twice
Alan Shimel: The team that brought us MySQL and then sold it for a billion dollars to Sun is looking to invest in the next big open source success story. Read More

The Future of Software is in Data
Stephen Spector: We have entered the fourth generation of software producers where the focus is data not software. Read More

WHITE PAPER: F5 Networks

Manageable Application Security
Investments in security solutions have to provide a clear value, which equals additional time spent collecting and documenting proof of this value. The latest version of F5 BIG-IP Application Security Manager(tm) (ASM), v10.1, addresses information overload and the need for agility in implementation. Learn more!

PlayStation Network and Cloud Security
Scott Crenshaw: Pundits around the industry are using the repeated – and successful -- attacks on Sony's Playstation Network as proof clouds aren't secure.  But what's "cloudy" about PSN? Read More

Chocolate and Peanut Butter: FOSS SSO and Authentication
Alan Shimel: Two-factor authentication is a far superior method for security access then passwords alone. Read More


Economics of Cooperative Control: Protocols are Free
Inter-AP protocols are free, but controllers are not. Aerohive's Cooperative Control controller-less WLAN architecture delivers an immediate and extremely significant CAPEX decrease. This paper explores the expansive economic benefits of Aerohive's unique approach. Read now!

Apple responds to one patent troll: Many more remain
Joe Brockmeier: It took long enough, but Apple has finally sent a letter to Lodsys backing its developers and telling the troll to get lost. Read More

Google faces new round of Android malware
For the second time in three months, Google yanked dozens of malware-infected smartphone apps from the Android Market. Read More

Visit Open Source Subnet for more news and blogs
Visit the Open Source Subnet home page for daily news items, blogs, discussions and podcasts of interest to enterprise open source users. Follow Open Source Subnet on Twitter @OSSubnet. Read More

SURVEY: Future-proofing the cloud
Where do you think cloud computing is headed? This survey enables you to share your views on some potential future events, trends and technology changes driven by cloud computing. By compiling the shared knowledge, opinions and insights of survey participants, everyone will get a clearer view on which changes and trends are more, or less, likely to actually occur. That knowledge will be invaluable in helping you shape your private, public and hybrid cloud strategy and plans for the future.Take the survey.

Up for grabs from the Subnets: Cisco Subnet: 15 copies of IPv6 for Enterprise Networks books. Microsoft Subnet: A set of classes for a Microsoft Cert from Webucator and Polycom videoconferencing system. Enter here.


7 things we love about Drupal 7
Drupal. the open source Content Management System (CMS) used to power everything from personal sites to the White House's Web site, is legendary for its flexibility and power. Here are the best things about it.


  1. 5 top social media security threats
  2. Worst hackers ever?
  3. 4G faceoff: ThunderBolt vs. Galaxy
  4. iPhone 5 rumor roundup for week ending May 27
  5. Windows 1.0: Still playing Reversi after all these years
  6. RSA tokens may be behind network security problems at Lockheed Martin
  7. Google Wallet: Five things you need to know
  8. Preparing for World IPv6 Day
  9. Leading FCoE server company? It ain't Cisco
  10. PBS hacked by LulzSec: Lulz boat sailed, PBS failed

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