Monday, June 27, 2011

Key questions to ask your service provider about security

How to Argue with the CEO--And Win | Cloud CIO: In Defense of Corporate IT

Network World IT Best Practices

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Key questions to ask your service provider about security
Back in March, IT services provider Avanade Inc. conducted a global study of 573 business leaders, asking them about their primary IT focus areas for the next 12 months. It comes as no surprise that cloud computing, security and IT consolidation topped the charts. While 60% of the companies surveyed said cloud computing is a top IT priority for the next year, 75% of the C-level executives in those companies place it at the top of the priority list. Read More


Empower Yourself at CIO Perspectives
CIO's Editor in Chief Maryfran Johnson and Suzanne Bates, author of "Discover Your Leadership Brand" discuss the experiences of IT leaders Steve Jobs and Sir Richard Branson. Learn what shaped their leadership styles and how to identify and leverage your own IT leadership brand. CIO Perspectives Boston – July 20, 2011. Click to continue


Data Center Transformations
Build outs, consolidations and acquisitions are large-scale projects that can be very disruptive and require careful planning and implementation to maintain operations. This white paper examines the process and what's required to meet IT goals and objectives and maintain business continuity. Read now!

How to Argue with the CEO--And Win
Arguments with the CEO are an inevitable aspect of the CIO role, whether they're knock-down-drag-out battles or civil attempts to persuade the CEO on IT matters of importance. They arise in large part from CIOs' inability to communicate on the CEO's level and from CIOs' and CEO's diverging views on how best to spend the company's money. Read More

WHITE PAPER: CA Technologies

Exceptional Application Experience
To improve and ensure the performance and availability of business-critical web applications, organizations need to be able to see and understand the actual user experience. This paper examines the five essentials of application performance monitoring. Learn More

Cloud CIO: In Defense of Corporate IT
The threat that cloud computing poses to CIOs and IT professionals' careers does not stem from cloud computing rendering corporate IT departments irrelevant. Rather, it comes from CIOs' and IT professionals' failure to face the revolution that cloud computing brings and to assume much more important positions inside their firms. Read More

WHITE PAPER: AirMagnet, Aruba Networks, Cisco, Enterasys Networks, HP, and Motorola

Get the Mobility-Free-For-All Under Control
Which is more secure: controlling wireless network access by the device, like an IP address or device type? Or is it by the user identity and that user's access rights and credentials? And how important is location? Learn more!

Do you know where your security holes are?
We all worry that there's some lurking security problem in our servers. We do what we can, patching, following best practices, keeping up-to-date with training and news. But wouldn't it be great to have an automated tool to check our work? That's the promise of vulnerability analyzers: products that detect problems in configuration, applications, and patches. Read More

SURVEY: Future-proofing the cloud
Where do you think cloud computing is headed? This survey enables you to share your views on some potential future events, trends and technology changes driven by cloud computing. By compiling the shared knowledge, opinions and insights of survey participants, everyone will get a clearer view on which changes and trends are more, or less, likely to actually occur. That knowledge will be invaluable in helping you shape your private, public and hybrid cloud strategy and plans for the future.Take the survey.

Up for grabs from the Subnets: Cisco Subnet: 15 copies of IPv6 for Enterprise Networks books. Microsoft Subnet: A set of classes for a Microsoft Cert from Webucator and Polycom videoconferencing system. Enter here.


The 7 worst tech merger ideas ever
In this slideshow, we'll take a look at seven proposed mergers that we hope will never see the light of day, as their consummation would likely mean the end of the entire tech industry and possibly even the entire world.


  1. CFOs lack faith in CIOs and IT teams, survey shows
  2. Oh Cyberthugs... Run, run as fast as you can. FBI on victorious roll
  3. Cisco's core share holds steady
  4. Startup touting data center fabric that will put a scare into Cisco, Juniper
  5. Gartner: New security demands arising for virtualization, cloud computing
  6. The data breach quiz
  7. Why I dumped my 4G Android for an iPhone
  8. The iPhone 5 rumor rollup for the week of June 24
  9. Gartner: How to get a handle on mobile device management
  10. Cisco upgrades, broadens Quad

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