Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rootkit infection requires Windows reinstall, says Microsoft

The data breach quiz | Anonymous claims LulzSec members, steps up attacks

Network World Security

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Rootkit infection requires Windows reinstall, says Microsoft
Microsoft is telling Windows users that they'll have to reinstall the operating system if they get infected with a new rootkit that hides in the machine's boot sector. Read More


IDC Perspectives and HP Network Consulting Services
Mergers, acquisitions and expansions spawn increasingly complex network environments. Internet, wireless devices and converged networks create an endless hunger for bandwidth. This IDC webinar will give you an overview of the network market, insight into how to reduce complexity and tips to add faster value for your organization. Learn more

WHITE PAPER: F5 Networks

Manageable Application Security
Investments in security solutions have to provide a clear value, which equals additional time spent collecting and documenting proof of this value. The latest version of F5 BIG-IP Application Security Manager(tm) (ASM), v10.1, addresses information overload and the need for agility in implementation. Learn more!

The data breach quiz
Find out how RSA, Sony, Citigroup, Anonymous and the U.S. Senate fit into this watershed year for data hacks Read More

Anonymous claims LulzSec members, steps up attacks
The decision by computer hacking group LulzSec on Saturday to fold operations may be helping another online group, Anonymous, which stepped up attacks over the weekend. Read More


IT Managers Face Security Challenges with Mobile Devices
A recent IDG survey reveals data security is the top barrier to supporting employees' mobile devices. Read more

Oh Cyberthugs . . . Run, run as fast as you can. FBI on victorious roll
While I don't always agree with some of the actions taken by the FBI, not all agents are partaking in warrantless surveillance and we need to cheer the FBI "good guys." These FBI agents are just as important and heroic as our troops in keeping our great nation safe. Like some kind of modern-day cyber cowboys, the feds have come out with cyberguns blazing, blowing away bad guys in cyberspace. Read... Read More

They're back! Data breach notification bills resurface
Following a string of high-profile data breaches, lawmakers push (again) for federal data breach disclosure. Read More


Managing Data and Application Security Risks
This whitepaper shows how organizations can manage data and application security risks cost-effectively by using IBM Tivoli Data and Application Security to reduce costs and improve ROI. It provides examples of IBM customers who have realized the benefit Read Now

Mobile Payments: Don't Buy into It
If you're anywhere close to my age, you might remember the late Orson Wells making a pitch for Paul Masson saying, "We will sell no wine before its time." That boast may have been true for the vintner, but sadly it's not true in the technology industry. Read More

FTC's Brill: New online privacy tools needed
The mobile industry should adopt do-not-track tools, an FTC commissioner says. Read More

Sony 'cut corners' in protecting user data, lawsuit alleges
Three PlayStation Network users charge that Sony 'cut corners' in its efforts to protect personal data of its users. Read More

LulzSec calls it quits after 50 days of 'mayhem'
The computer hacking group LulzSec said Saturday it had ended its campaign of cyberassaults on government and corporate websites and that it was time for it to "sail into the distance." Read More

SURVEY: Future-proofing the cloud
Where do you think cloud computing is headed? This survey enables you to share your views on some potential future events, trends and technology changes driven by cloud computing. By compiling the shared knowledge, opinions and insights of survey participants, everyone will get a clearer view on which changes and trends are more, or less, likely to actually occur. That knowledge will be invaluable in helping you shape your private, public and hybrid cloud strategy and plans for the future.Take the survey.

Up for grabs from the Subnets: Cisco Subnet: 15 copies of IPv6 for Enterprise Networks books. Microsoft Subnet: A set of classes for a Microsoft Cert from Webucator and Polycom videoconferencing system. Enter here.


The 7 worst tech merger ideas ever
In this slideshow, we'll take a look at seven proposed mergers that we hope will never see the light of day, as their consummation would likely mean the end of the entire tech industry and possibly even the entire world.


  1. Desktop PCs: Dead as a doornail, or maybe just a fax machine
  2. IPv6 in the enterprise: Network management using IPv6
  3. The iPhone 5 rumor rollup for the week of June 24
  4. Cisco defending base against HP, Juniper
  5. LulzSec calls it quits after 50 days of 'mayhem'
  6. Why I dumped my 4G Android for an iPhone
  7. Cisco's core share holds steady
  8. Citi hackers made $2.7 million
  9. The 10 worst cloud outages (and what we can learn from them)
  10. CFOs lack faith in CIOs and IT teams, survey shows

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