Wednesday, June 29, 2011

System performance no game to IGN Entertainment

Healthcare IT jobs lucrative but tough to land | 12 of the slickest designs in enterprise tech gear available today

Network World Network/Systems Management

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System performance no game to IGN Entertainment
If you run a Web operation with a target audience of young male gamers between the ages of 18 and 35, you know you're talking about the need for the utmost in system performance. Read More


Preparing for Mission-Critical SOA
Read this white paper now to see why there's never been a better time to confidently invest in SOA. Learn more.


3 Steps for Choosing the Right UC Solution
Communication is at the heart of how many small businesses operate. However, few organizations stop to consider how the way they communicate is inefficient. Many consider this to be a cost of doing business. But what if your business could overcome these problems? Learn More

Healthcare IT jobs lucrative but tough to land
Companies in the healthcare industry are willing to pay a premium for scarce IT talent, but they're choosy about selecting new hires. For people with the right experience, it's a great time to be job hunting. Read More

12 of the slickest designs in enterprise tech gear available today
See what happens when industrial designers take the reins on enterprise gear design. Read More

Startup opens videoconference bridging service
Startup Blue Jeans Network launches its videoconferencing bridge service, letting customers blend conferences over legacy systems as well as with video services such as Skype. Read More


Is Your Infrastructure Mobile Ready?
From data encryption to secure printing, there are many challenges IT mangers at small and midsize businesses face to secure mobile devices. Check out the resources in this Mobility KnowledgeVault to help develop a master plan. Read now

Microsoft launches Office 365, glosses over cloud limitations
CEO Steve Ballmer pitched his answer to Google Apps Tuesday as Microsoft announced worldwide availability of Office 365, but made no mention of Microsoft's biggest cloud rival. Read More

Office 365 arrives to flat IT spending
Microsoft is pitching its cloud-based Office 365 as a less costly alternative for IT budgets, assuming IT managers can find money in their budgets for a migration. Read More

World's data will grow by 50X in next decade, IDC study predicts
The world's information is doubling every two years with a colossal 1.8 zettabytes expected to be created and replicated in 2011 alone, according to IDC's fifth annual Digital Universe study. Read More


Enhancing customer experience: first, do no harm
Best practices for enhancing the customer experience, don't wait to long to handing problems, look for low-hanging fruit by assessing obvious problems, make technology updates when the time is right, cross pollinate the organization. Learn More

The 6 hottest new jobs in IT
IT job seekers have real reason to hope. No fewer than 10,000 IT jobs were added to payrolls in May alone, according to the Bureau of Labor statistics, reflecting a steady month-over-month increase since January. And in a June survey by the IT jobs site, 65 percent of hiring managers and recruiters said they will hire more tech professionals in the second half of 2011 than in the previous six months. Read More

CA modernizes the mainframe with updated stack
CA Technologies has added fresh user interfaces to its stack of mainframe management tools. Read More

Cisco upgrades, broadens Quad
Cisco's Quad enterprise collaboration platform, which combines Web-based Facebook -like update posts, instant messaging, document sharing, video communication, microblogging and communities, will now be offered as a hosted and managed service. Read More

IBM exposes top future networked healthcare devices
IBM came out with a study that looks at what future healthcare applications and devices, be they PCs, tablets or smartphones, might look like.  Read More

SURVEY: Future-proofing the cloud
Where do you think cloud computing is headed? This survey enables you to share your views on some potential future events, trends and technology changes driven by cloud computing. By compiling the shared knowledge, opinions and insights of survey participants, everyone will get a clearer view on which changes and trends are more, or less, likely to actually occur. That knowledge will be invaluable in helping you shape your private, public and hybrid cloud strategy and plans for the future.Take the survey.

Up for grabs from the Subnets: Cisco Subnet: 15 copies of IPv6 for Enterprise Networks books. Microsoft Subnet: A set of classes for a Microsoft Cert from Webucator and Polycom videoconferencing system. Enter here.


12 of the slickest designs in enterprise tech gear available today
Consumer devices tend to get all the praise for their designs, but there's plenty of cool equipment to be found in the enterprise market. When hardware vendors tag-team with renowned industrial designers, the results can be impressive. Here are some of our favorites.


  1. Facebook bans KDE application, deletes user photos
  2. Geekiest wedding dress ever
  3. Microsoft patent may ruin Skype
  4. Rootkit infection requires Windows reinstall, says Microsoft
  5. GNU Mediagoblin Project launches
  6. 12 of the slickest designs in enterprise tech gear available today
  7. Desktop PCs: Dead as a doornail, or maybe just a fax machine
  8. Android lovers: Don't overlook Nook
  9. Cisco defending base against HP, Juniper
  10. Zillow's rewrite of real-estate history upsets some homeowners

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