Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Where to shop for a new Linux machine; Will The Real Hadoop Company Please Stand Up

Will The Real Hadoop Company Please Stand Up | The End Of Open Source Affirmative Action

Network World Linux and Open Source

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Where to shop for a new Linux machine
Stephen Spector: I am thinking of purchasing a new Linux machine, probably a desktop or laptop, and wanted to share the process of searching for a machine. Read More

WEBCAST: Cymphonix

Gain Complete Control Over Internet Bound Traffic
The Cymphonix Network Composer is the only network appliance that provides comprehensive clarity into all internet bound network traffic and simply powerful tools to manage that traffic with a holistic approach. Learn More Today!


The Changing Role of Network Management
Read how new challenges in IT like virtualization and cloud computing are changing the role of Network Managers, who are now required to leverage automation and integrated solutions even further to adapt to these changes. Learn how EMC Ionix Network Solutions help Network Managers overcome these challenges. Read now

Will The Real Hadoop Company Please Stand Up
Alan Shimel: The Hadoop market is white hot right now. It seems everywhere we turn there is a new company throwing their hat into the Hadoop world.  Is all of the attention justified? Read More

The End Of Open Source Affirmative Action
Alan Shimel: Some of the largest companies in the open source world have been moving away from the term open source as a primary differentiator in their marketing material. Read More

Facebook restores access and uploaded photos for KDE apps
Joe Brockmeier: A day after KDE users found their pictures gone missing and KDE apps unable to load pics, Facebook has restored access and photos. What happened? Read More

Facebook bans KDE application, deletes user photos
Joe Brockmeier: KDE users have gotten a rather unpleasant surprise from Facebook: Not only is the site blocking KDE apps like Gwenview from uploading, the social media giant has also taken down photos uploaded with the KDE plugins. Read More


Data Center Transformations
Build outs, consolidations and acquisitions are large-scale projects that can be very disruptive and require careful planning and implementation to maintain operations. This white paper examines the process and what's required to meet IT goals and objectives and maintain business continuity. Read now!

Rapid7 Expands Its Support Of Open Source Security Projects
Alan Shimel: My friend HD Moore who leads the development team for Metasploit at Rapid7 told me about another open source project that Rapid7 has been supporting. Read More

Open Or Proprietary, It's Whether It Works Or Not That Counts
Alan Shimel: Just because a given technology or product is not open or does not support an open standard, does not make necessarily bad. Read More

Virtualization Industry Shakeup
Stephen Spector: Simon Crosby, previously the CTO of Citrix System announced today that himself, Ian Pratt, previously VP of Engineering of Citrix Systems and Chairman of, and Gaurav Banga, creator of Phoenix Hyperspace are launching a new startup, Bromium, Inc. Read More

After OpenOffice and Hudson, will Oracle stick with open source?
NetBeans, MySQL, and GlassFish are all likely to remain in Oracle's software portfolio as they have profit potential Read More


3 Steps for Choosing the Right UC Solution
Communication is at the heart of how many small businesses operate. However, few organizations stop to consider how the way they communicate is inefficient. Many consider this to be a cost of doing business. But what if your business could overcome these problems? Learn More

Yahoo forms Hortonworks, a new Hadoop company
Yahoo and Benchmark Capital have founded a company tasked with advancing the open source Hadoop software framework for applications that manage massive amounts of data. Read More

Android lovers: Don't overlook Nook
Among the multitude of Android tablets that have been released, or are about to be this year, the Nook Color has managed to achieve impressive sales and spark a cult following. (Since its release in November 2010, it has reportedly sold 3 million units.) Read More

Survey Shows Enterprise Open Source Usage Ubiquitous
In the past several years, open source has gone mainstream. A new survey by OpenLogic shows that virtually every enterprise is using open source software. Read More

Visit Open Source Subnet for more news and blogs
Visit the Open Source Subnet home page for daily news items, blogs, discussions and podcasts of interest to enterprise open source users. Follow Open Source Subnet on Twitter @OSSubnet. Read More

SURVEY: Future-proofing the cloud
Where do you think cloud computing is headed? This survey enables you to share your views on some potential future events, trends and technology changes driven by cloud computing. By compiling the shared knowledge, opinions and insights of survey participants, everyone will get a clearer view on which changes and trends are more, or less, likely to actually occur. That knowledge will be invaluable in helping you shape your private, public and hybrid cloud strategy and plans for the future.Take the survey.

Up for grabs from the Subnets: Cisco Subnet: 15 copies of IPv6 for Enterprise Networks books. Microsoft Subnet: A set of classes for a Microsoft Cert from Webucator and Polycom videoconferencing system. Enter here.


12 of the slickest designs in enterprise tech gear available today
Consumer devices tend to get all the praise for their designs, but there's plenty of cool equipment to be found in the enterprise market. When hardware vendors tag-team with renowned industrial designers, the results can be impressive. Here are some of our favorites.


  1. Cisco's Cius tablet to ship next month
  2. Gigabit Wi-Fi spec edges closer to reality
  3. Facebook bans KDE application, deletes user photos
  4. Symantec finds big differences in iOS, Android security
  5. Volume of data darn near indescribable ... without the iPad
  6. Geekiest wedding dress ever
  7. Microsoft patent may ruin Skype
  8. Zillow's rewrite of real-estate history upsets some homeowners
  9. Microsoft launches Office 365, glosses over cloud limitations
  10. Apple warned of phishing attack threat

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