Monday, July 25, 2011

Sexting: Pervasive cameras + Internet = Autoporn

CTIA shares tips for preventing News Corp. (or anyone else) from hacking your voicemail | Cisco says layoffs, cost-cutting won't derail SecureX

Network World Security: Identity Management

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Sexting: Pervasive cameras + Internet = Autoporn
Got kids? Think they're too sensible to send nude or seminude pictures of themselves to their buddies? Read More


Streamlined Data Protection
One of the greatest challenges today is effectively backing up and protecting the vast amounts of data stored throughout an organization. With WAN optimization, you can accelerate network-based backup by 5x and can reduce bandwidth use by up to 95%. Download this paper and learn more about this strategy today. Learn More


Midmarket Blades Lead the Pack
A rock solid base for Dynamic Infrastructures. For IT organizations the blade server environment, in combination with virtualization technologies on various levels, is the IT infrastructure of choice to achieve considerable consolidation benefits and ensuring flexible usage of server resources. Read now!

CTIA shares tips for preventing News Corp. (or anyone else) from hacking your voicemail
If you're concerned that Rupert Murdoch or anyone else might be snooping on your voicemails, never fear: the CTIA wireless association is here to help. Read More

Cisco says layoffs, cost-cutting won't derail SecureX
Despite cutting 6,500 jobs and reducing operating expenses by about $1 billion, Cisco has affirmed that it has no intention of pulling back from its commitment to its new security architecture known as SecureX. Read More

Beyond Angry Birds: The 20 Most Acclaimed iPhone/iPad Games
Want games on your iPhone or iPad but unsure of where to start? Here's a handy guide Read More

Brain implant for always-on Internet goes awry in new Web series
Twenty years into the future, after a third of the world's population decides to have a computer system called H+ implanted in their brains in order to have an always-on Internet, things go terribly wrong. A malicious virus strikes this network and billions die, leaving the computer geek who invented H+ devastated as he and other survivors attempt to overcome this botched merging of man and machine. Read More


Workload Automation Challenges and Opportunities
This Executive Brief discusses IDC's perspective on how enterprise workload management requirements are changing and highlights the ways that workload automation solutions can address these emerging requirements. Learn More!

Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager 2010
Identity management is the bane of many an IT administrator's existence. Employees come and go. Workers from partner companies require access to the network in a time-limited but secure way. Users forget their passwords and lose their smartcards. And new services come online all the time. It's a wonder anyone can get anything done. Read More

Swartz, guilty as charged?
Aaron Swartz, founder of progressive action group Demand Progress, has been a bad boy, but how bad? Read More

The business-security disconnect that won't die
When it comes to protecting sensitive data, security always seems to be a step behind the business -- despite everything you've heard. Read More

Shrinking IT staff leaves security projects in the lurch
Lately, I've been struggling with trying to get resources for my security projects. As my security program continues to grow and develop, I'm at the stage where I'm rolling out new security technologies, but I'm starting to run into roadblocks when it comes to getting server, network and desktop team support. It's ironic: I got the budget I need to buy security technologies, and I bought the products, but they're not installed yet because we don't have people available to do it. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Extreme Networks

Identity-Aware Networking
Download this whitepaper today discover how IT can integrate identity and networking, enabling new business processes and easing regulatory compliance while improving security. Read now!

UnboundID releases SCIM toolkit beta
One place you could have gone to escape the recent heat wave that encompassed most of the U.S. was Keystone, Colo., where the afternoon temperatures barely reached the mid-70s F (while here in the mid-Atlantic we were stretching from the mid-90s to 100 or so). And while you were there you could have attended the Cloud Identity Summit, ably organized by Ping Identity's Andre Durand. Read More

Sony insurer says it's not liable for breach-related costs
One of Sony's insurers has asked a New York court to absolve it of any responsibility for defending or indemnifying Sony against claims arising from recent data breaches at the company. Read More

Raw video: Toyota Crown vs Toyota Vitz crashtest
Raw video of a crash test between a Toyota Crown and Toyota Vitz, shot at Toyota's Higashi Fuji Technical Center in Japan on May 22, 2011 Read More

Up for grabs from the Subnets: Cisco Subnet: 15 copies of IPv6 for Enterprise Networks books. Enter here.


20 of the weirdest, wackiest and stupidest sci/tech stories of 2011 (so far!)
From IT geeks winning millions to Google mush-brain syndrome, 2011 is shaping up to be one wacky year.


  1. Google: Sun offered to license Java for $100 million
  2. Rackspace's cloud going all OpenStack
  3. Toyota system automatically stops car before it hits a pedestrian
  4. 7 Solid Reasons to Keep the Faith in RIM, BlackBerry
  5. Anonymous, LulzSec vow to hack on
  6. Alcatel-Lucent confirms Enterprise business may be sold
  7. Does this video depict a future Google+ spamageddon?
  8. Still Awesome After All These Years: Eight Excellent Free Downloads
  9. 10 technologies that will change the world in the next 10 years
  10. Google Labs' greatest non-hits

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