Friday, October 28, 2011

Tips for Cloud, Archiving & Happier Customers

IDG Connect
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gry arrow Tips for Web Performance
gry arrow Plan for Cloud Technology
gry arrow Best Practices for Archiving
gry arrow Guide to Customer Satisfaction
Welcome to your weekly newsletter. This Friday we've got tips on improving the performance of your website, best practices for archiving, and a guide to making the most of customer opinions. Plus, we have a guide to help you plan for future cloud projects. Read our US blog on why the 'bring your own' trend is here to stay.
Improve Your Web Performance
Every time a consumer visits your website, you have the opportunity to increase your brand value - and, in turn, increase customer engagement, drive conversions, and build long-lasting relationships. This paper shares some tips and tricks for setting up your content, as well as recommendations for performing a thorough health check of your web service infrastructure. Read the report and learn how to boost the performance of your websites. 
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Plan for Tomorrow's Cloud Technology
It is likely that your organization is considering or has already implemented cloud strategies to improve the function of the data center. Along with the promise of significant benefits, the cloud also places greater demands on the data center. This guide provides practical information to help you prepare your data center for the cloud. Discover the latest technology available for your virtualized data center. 
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Discover 10 Best Practices for Archiving
The explosion of electronically-stored information - and e-mail in particular - has increased pressure on IT to manage data more effectively and efficiently. Using an automated archive solution offers a quick, easy and rock-solid way to capture and manage data for compliance and litigation readiness. In this white paper, learn 10 best practices to help you plan, evaluate, and implement an enterprise archiving solution for your critical data.  
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Put the Voice of Your Customers to Work For You
Today's successful organizations recognize that the customer experience is a key imperative. Improving the customer experience can open new doors and provide lucrative benefits for customers and businesses alike. This on-demand webcast from Gartner and Verint Systems explores the top challenges facing today's customer service organizations and offers practical advice on how to bring the voice of the customer inside your organization. Watch the webcast today. 
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Kind regards

Kasey Cassells
IDG Connect

P.S: Want to share your opinions? If you'd like to blog for us, drop me a line at and share your ideas.

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