Tuesday, November 29, 2011

In 2012, a mobile security minefield

Feds nuke 150 website domains for selling fake goods | Privacy about to punted again when 'balanced' against need for govt spying

Network World Security

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In 2012, a mobile security minefield
The mobile device, now the dominant technological tool in American enterprise, will become more dominant in 2012 and beyond. Industry analysts say mobile device shipments will top 1 billion in 2015, leaving PC shipments in the dust. Read More

WEBCAST: ForeScout Technologies

CISO in the Know - Mitigating Modern Attacks
This webcast examines sophisticated and targeted threats, security gaps, techniques and new technologies with regards to understanding and defending against zero-day threats, propagating worms, low-and-slow attacks and advanced persistent threats (APT). Learn more.


Scaling Out Query Performance with Sybase IQ 15.3
This paper is meant to provide a holistic perspective and introduce the technical concepts behind DQP in general and Sybase® IQ 15.3's DQP implementation through the PlexQ Distributed Query Platform. Read now.

Feds nuke 150 website domains for selling fake goods
In its second annual Cyber Monday bust-fest, US law enforcement today said it seized 150 domain names from commercial websites it said engaged in the sale and distribution of counterfeit goods and copyrighted works. The 150 seized domains are now custody of the federal government and site visitors will see a banner that notifies them that the domain name has been grabbed by federal authorities. ... Read More

Privacy about to punted again when 'balanced' against need for govt spying
With the cyber-world such as it is now, constant breaches because companies are careless and lax about protecting our personal information, it might be true what the Office of Inadequate Security pointed out, "Maybe all companies should add 'check Pastebin' to their daily security to-do list." As if there's not enough personal info dumped about us all to invade privacy, any time there is talk about... Read More


Managing Cloud Services from Request to Retirement
This lifecycle is tailored to the needs of the business, with both the flexibility to deliver the full required software stacks and the management rigor to ensure the operational integrity of the cloud. Learn More!

High-tech potty talk: Pee-and-play gaming system hits the toilet
Looking to capture that manly desire to aim and shoot at something, a British company has come up with a gaming system that well, lets men using a urinal actually aim at something and score points for peeing. Well sort of. Read More

The Security Industry All-Stars
From Bruce Schneier to Moxie Marlinspike, these folks are the one's to isten to for security insight Read More


Application Upgrades and Service Oriented Architecture
A study by SOA Industry Analyst Zapthink shows that maintenance and change costs of SOA-based integrations, architected properly, are dramatically lower than traditional integration approaches. Read this whitepaper to understand why and how SOA-enablement will reduce cost and risk of Application upgrades for your organization. Learn More Today!

Twitter scoops up mobile security developer Whisper Systems
Twitter may be planning to boost its mobile security options with the acquisition of Whisper Systems, a company that offers security products for Android phones. Read More

Two-thirds of firewall managers lack confidence in their security posture
In its annual firewall management survey, Tufin Technologies uncovered some disheartening details. For example, 1 in 4 firewall managers have never conducted an audit, and 66% of the managers think their processes put them at risk of a security breach. The alarm is sounding for a giant wake-up call. Read More

How to bulletproof your website
'Tis the season to begin ramping up online shopping activity, and for retailers that means doing all they can to ensure their websites are up, highly available and able to handle peak capacity. Looming in many IT managers' minds is the cautionary tale of Target, whose website crashed twice this fall after it was inundated by an unprecedented number of online shoppers when the retailer began selling clothing and accessories from high-end Italian fashion company Missoni. Read More

Data Security and APTs
As part of our recent APT research, ESG asked security professionals working at U.S.-based enterprise organizations (i.e. more than 1,000 employees) if APTs had caused their organizations to purchase and deploy new information security technologies. About 40% are doing so. What's interesting is the types of investments they are making in order to protect sensitive data. For example: * 54% of organizations... Read More


Top IT Turkeys of 2011
You know, it just doesn't feel like Thanksgiving to me unless I have mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, and an iPad with the annual Network World Top IT Turkeys slideshow all arranged on the table for the feast. So let's sharpen our knives and get to the carving, because these turkeys are getting cold.

Everyone who enters will win free training from Webucator. Grand prize: a SharePoint training class worth $2,375. All who enter will be awarded a self-paced class of their choosing. Enter here: http://www.networkworld.com/community/contests. Enter here.


  1. 25 free open source projects IT pros will love
  2. Hackers target IPv6
  3. Crazy cell phones from Japan, Korea and China
  4. London wires up for 2012 Olympic games
  5. Holiday gift guide 2011
  6. 7 hot storage startups to watch
  7. AT&T hackers have terrorist connections, say Philippines police
  8. Cisco reorgs again, folds net management into new cloud group
  9. Windows 8 coming in 2012? 6 reasons why this could derail Windows 7 now
  10. The top 10 strategic technology trends for 2012

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