Friday, December 30, 2011

1962 vs. 2012: Tech Predictions from the Last 50 Years

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As we edge closer to 2012, it's the perfect time to look back at technology in years gone by. In a recent news story, we heard that a book (1975: And the Changes to Come) has been unearthed from 1962 which predicted the future of technology. So, 50 years later, how many of these have come to anything? Read our recent blog post to find out what technology innovations we will all be after in 2012.
Smart Appliances: Disappearing Refrigerators
One of the predictions made in Arnold B Barach's 1962 book was that kitchen appliances such as refrigerators would save space by rising from the kitchen floor to be used. This hasn't become a popular kitchen design feature, but appliances such as refrigerators are set to become smarter 50 years after this prediction was made. The Internet of things is set to make our communication with everyday objects more interactive - with one concept being refrigerators that know when you're out of milk and which restock themselves. Read this paper to learn more about what the Internet of things could mean for you.
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Mobility: Salesmen with Portable Screens
50 years ago, another prediction made by Barach was that by 1975 traveling salesmen would be equipped with portable screens for conducting presentations in people's homes. This isn't far off what we are seeing today, with laptops, tablets and smartphones making our work more mobile than ever. This white paper explains how mobility technology will be leveraged in the field in 2012.
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Education: Children Learning with Machines
Another prediction made in 1962 which holds true today is Barach's insight that pupils would be examined and marked on machines. Of course, today there are computers in classrooms all over the world, and technology is making educational institutes run more efficiently than ever - as you can read in this white paper. Get it now and discover four ways the modern technological environment is transforming education.
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Kind regards

Kasey Cassells
IDG Connect

P.S: Don't forget to
read our blog post on the hottest technology for 2012.

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